Who is doing interesting stuff with two Digitones?

Who is doing interesting stuff with two Digitones?

I just bought a DNK and kind of don’t want to sell my little lovely DN…
Maybe there is a reason (inspiration) to keep both :slight_smile:


It’s already hard to make something good with one… :sweat_smile: Just kiddin’


I sold my DN to finance a DNK and I often contemplate buying back a DN. My advice would be to keep it. :). As a drum machine to go with the keys. Or to go “mobile”.
And a good example of music with two DN is of course something made by @Ess Mindmelt | Auvrel | 0-Day Sysex

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Yes, keeping the module for drums seems common.

Some sound examples: Search results for 'Duotone' - Elektronauts
And in this thread: Acid on Digitone - #72 by Cepheid

Some tips on using them together start here: Big thumbs up for Digitone Midi Loopback - #22 by PTSowns

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Previously on Elektronauts:


Drums/bass on the DN, 8-voice poly synth on DNK. Though I would definitely swap the white trig keys on the DN to the DNK and then have an all-black DN drum machine :smiling_imp:


Sort of like this? Though it’s not two DNs. I considered getting a 2nd DN, but I think the DT/DN combo is just the right size for portability :slight_smile:


Hell yes. That looks really sleek!


One DN for fat unison sounds. That mode is eatin all voice on one track anyway’s. The other midi linked to same notes for -1 octave subbass sound on one track and the others stacked with lfo panned weirdness on top. Wonder how that sounds. You need a third for drums🙉


Thanks for the suggestions!

(I already have a DN AE :sweat_smile: )

I was thinking about this as well, but the thing is, I’ve got a Polyend Tracker, filled with DN drum samples… the missing retrigs on DN and the great performance effects on PT (for me) make it the better drum machine.

That’s actually a good call… have to think about that. Bass department is locked to Minitaur (I freaking love it’s sound) so I’ll have a look if big unison non-bass sounds are my thing…

So my Setup is:
DN or/and DNK + PT + Minitaur

Just found this guy on YouTube
(if you are here Andreas Himmes, you are amazing!)

He’s doing awesome stuff with double Digi’s!!


If you would only be using the second DN as a drum machine, it seems to me like you would add more flexibility to you setup with a Digitakt. Just sample all your digitone drum sounds and be able to use it for other things as well.


Ughhhhh :man_facepalming:t2: I can’t believe I never thought of doing that when I had both. So simple, it was just right there. Considering I’m on my second DN, I guess it’s not unreasonable to think I’d have another DT in the future. And when I do…

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I just got a second Digitone. I hesitated a lot with getting a Syntakt instead of a second Digitone but I’m happy with my choice.
I see that people that have 2 Digitone usually use one as a drum machine and the other as a synth but I think the better option is to mix the two so you keep the highest polyphony possible on the two machines (2 mono tracks for drums and 2 synth tracks that share 6 voices on each DN). :slight_smile:


Funny this is popping up right now. I’ve been thinking about getting a second DN after playing with a friend this weekend who also had DN/DT. I mostly used it as a drum machine, but also for arps or bass at times. Having two DN in the room opened up lots of potential and it made me think about replacing my DT as standard drum machine with a DN. I somehow just preferred the flexibility of synth drums made on the machine over “locked” samples and sorting through sample lists. I didn’t really use DN as drum machine before as DT seemed more immediate with its dedicated track buttons.

Thinking a bit more about it, I boxed the idea for now. But it gave me a new idea: for the next project, I will focus on sketching out songs with DN and an analog synth that has to be chosen yet. DN will mostly be a drum computer then, but also sequence the analog synth. I will leave out external effects and OT/DT until later, when it comes to fine-tuning/crafting the songs. It made me remember that I was quite productive after getting DN and DT because I had less options and a clean table, which somehow makes it less intimidating to start with something and move to the next pattern.

Maybe down the road I will buy a second DN and try to make music with only two DNs. Sure, I could sample stuff on OT or DT. But I actually really like the idea, as I love the machine and would then be able to use ctrl all and tweaking on two DNs live. Do you think used prices will go up a lot with the general price increase? Might snag one up right now as they can still be bought for 500€. But then again, that seems kinda wasted and possibly distracting, If I won’t go for the two DN setup right now.

love their work :blue_heart:


Just saw that, really great :heart:!

Here is something to try before buying a second DN (even though I fully support this idea, I fking love that little box)

Make your drum sounds using single cycle waveforms and LFOs on Digitakt - that gives you a lot more flexibility on drum sound manipulation! I started doing this for the same reason - not liking being locked to static samples - and its a ton of fun.


Thanks, I haven’t worked with them before but will try that. Are there good samples for the waveforms on the DT or do you have reccomendations where to get them? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I haven’t really learned about the method before.

DT definitely comes with some! From the sample select menu: Factory/Toolbox/Oscillators. There are some pretty good and easy to find user single osc libraries around if you search for it, but the best part is you can take any sample you’re using and reduce it to a single cycle or even record a quick note out of another synth to do the same. Endless drum sounds, just treat it like an 8 part multi monosynth oriented around drums - its so much fun!

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New one from them