Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

That is one of the best things about Beck, is that it seems like he really collaborates with his producers. So many artists or bands sound similar from one album to the next, regardless of the producer. The stuff he did with the Dust Brothers was excellent. I read an article years ago on the making of Odelay, and they were talking about how so much of the time spent was the Dust Brothers and Beck in the studio just trying to get samples to work. And at some point they had to kick it into second gear because the album needed to get finished. Midnight Vultures and Guero were brilliant as well.

So hey, maybe Beck is the Electronic Bob Dylan? Or maybe The Dust Brothers are?

I also love the dreamy sound on Sea Changes that came from working with Nigel Godrich, and even the imprint that Danger Mouse left on Modern Guilt, sort of dusty, minimal vibe.

Love this album, just wanted to throw out a correction, it is Paul’s Boutique.

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Mix Master Mike’s Boutique!

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I mean, that just sounds like a better boutique to hang at!


Can anyone be famous for more than a fleeting moment anymore? I don’t think so. The world is too fragmented and is changing too quickly. I really don’t think we will ever see lasting worldwide fame like we think of it when we think of the beatles etc. again.

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Neil Young?

I didn’t say it was a good thing…

In all seriousity:

If you mean who is a great lyricist in the Bob Dylan mold then I’m at a loss. Much of electronic music doesn’t lend itself to that. There are electronic artists who are also highly talented lyricists. Off the top of my head, I would put Eno on the list. Reznor, Goldfrapp, John Foxx as well. But their skills are different from Dylan’s.

There are artists who have made a jump from one genre into another much like Dylan’s infamous switch to electric rock.

I don’t know who would absolutely qualify but one of my favorite Todd Rundgren albums, Acapella, is one that most people hated.

It is done entirely acapella but with some cutting edge

electronic processing so he used his voice to provide the basis for the synth pads, basses and percussion.

I agree, it’s not his strongest work by a wide stretch but I don’t think it gets its due as a cutting edge experiment and one of his most beautifully produced albums.

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I’ll have to check out that Modern Guilt as I haven’t listened to that one yet. Mmm… I miss the Dust Brothers, the Fight Club soundtrack was just a masterpiece for such an off the wall film.

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It’s Mike Banks. Definitely

David Guetta.

This is good