Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

That is funny, but totally to be expected.

The weirdos make make the weird stuff, the popular make the popular stuff.

When the popular make the weird stuff it either bombs or is viewed as groundbreaking

Prince should have titled 1999… 2016

Raised with The Beatles. Macca all the way.

A long time ago, as a teen who forgot a bit about them, i remember searching for quite a while in which Pink Floyd Album was this hypnotic spiral of doom i heard on the radio one night…And then i discovered it was the I Want You Final.

It was time to bring the Beatles back in my life.

Marry me.

Let’s renew our vows.

Just discovering this thread …and pretty surprised that the obvious answer is missing (unless i need new glasses ) so, my burning desire of being noticed in Elektronauts command me to do this :

The Answer to the topic is : Bob Dylan with an Octatrack.
They both sound bad.

Mouse drop.


A thought just occurred to me. If we take Bob Dylan’s music to be political, what about Alec Empire as the electronic equivalent? Hmm :thinking:

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Alec Empire is a much better singer.


Delete yourself. You got no chance to win!

I can get on board with that. I think Alec Empire fits the bill.

And if we are looking at it from this angle, then I would also suggest KMFDM. They are practically Bob Dylan 2.0.

Bob Dylan’s music bores the fuck out of me, but he’s generally considered to be great by other people. So, to me Boards of Canada is the electronic music equivalent of Bob Dylan.

Yeah, I said it: Boards of Canada bores me (:


Dylan and BoC?

This is top level shit.

I can feel all them keyboards getting hotter by the minute.

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Oh you sweet summer child

Ever notice how you never see BOC and Bob Dylan in the same place at the same time? I think there’s our answer right there.

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I actually agree, at least that they’re both boring af

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At least there’s no downvote button around here!

Whatever, I’m in a shitty mood since my Octatrack ate its CF card yesterday. I’m about to start talking shit about half of Warp Records. I saw a Flying Lotus show in LA the other day and it was absolute crap, it felt like the Flying Lotus Disney Special or something, not quite as boring at BoC though. Lol

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Not true. I saw Boards of Canada open for Bob Dylan at the Golden Nugget in Biloxi.


Well then, I guess I’ll have to take a different angle for my new podcast mystery show titled
Bob Dylan and Boards of Canada: Never in the Same Place at the Same Time.

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There’s no such thing as Canada.

– Bob Dylan

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There is no such thing as Dylan.

Bobs of Canada


Is this one of Trump’s new slogans for his 2024 campaign?


No idea. Pretty sure my American citizenship was revoked after talking shit about Dylan

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As someone else mentioned, with ‘Electronic’ music there are so many sub-genre’s, it’s really not so simply defined anymore. Does it have to be confined to synthetic instruments, electronic drums, synths? However when it comes to Beck, ‘Odelay’ was the album I came in on after the single ‘Loser’ hit.

At the time I had no idea who the Dust Brothers were until I saw the movie ‘Fight Club’. I got into electronic music through soundtracks as a teen and instantly bought that soundtrack. Then in the last few years learned they produced Odelay, and The Beasie Boys Mike’s Boutique album. I’d say their quite the subliminal purveyors of popular Electronic music production, elusive yet striking every time they appear. And clearly took Beck to another dimension, that he’s had them produce on three of his albums.

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