Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

Well there has been a pandemic for the last few years tbf give them some credit :laughing:


Actually, one of the cooler kids (matter of my opinion obviously) I chat with told me a couple weeks ago that he went or was going to go see the Melvins. At his age, I too was probably more interested in seeing some older hardcore or punk band than the hardcore or punk bands that were of my generation, so I guess we have that in common…

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I think Gen Z is amazing. I mean, yeah, they are in their phones too much, but I watched too much tv.

And they have their own handshakes and language and style. Very obvious on TikTok. (“How to tell who’s a Millenial?”)



They want to try living in a field for 20 years.

Because when I was a lad…


Ok Grandpa, let’s get you to bed.

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Boomer kink

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I’m tired of these fucking kids sampling Bernie Sanders without giving him props.

dunno, UK Drill seems to be a pretty clasic fully formed youth culture movement here in the UK.
People making big money and having chart hits independently with music that is pretty unfathomable to most people over 25.

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I don’t think there is a Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world. Thanks for playing. Next!


Someone up above said Dylan’s achievement was bridging hipster beatnik culture to mainstream and inventing the idea of a pop star in the process. I like his music, and I also really like Daniel Lopatin’s music, but I think what’s he’s done with the Oneohtrix Point Never project is opening up some more mainstream appeal for ambient leftfield stuff that in the person of say James Ferraro was just too weird and inaccessible (also a musician I enjoy)

Or “drew attention to” black and Indian culture.

And of course the Indian classical music that inspired some of their work has a whole range of strong relationships with music from Persian culture.

Nu metal and pop punk / emo were huge in the 00s.

Yeah, that’s what they’d probably call it.

Probably more cultural appreciation than appropriation really, in the case of the Beatles at least.


Who is Bob Dylan ?

The father of musique concrète.

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