Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

Wow! I’m so happy to find this topic and look forward to really reading through it. The Arab Strap comes to mind but I guess they aren’t purely electronic.

The big difference is the internet has allowed for the infinite splintering of music into subcultures, some of which flourish more than others but never to the point of taking over everything, and with the algorithmic nature of the current music business, most mainstream music of today is just sucking up and repackaging disparate underground trends and sounds, forever. I could be wrong though.

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I think there is a lot of truth in this. This is also the time that a lot of radio stations had been bought up by large conglomerates, so again, the beginning of the algorithms. Also, Napster and downloading had been hitting the big record labels in the pocketbooks, so they weren’t just throwing money around and promoting all their artists the same. They wanted sure fire bets. MTV was the same way. They were getting rid of a lot of their music programming, and going for their TV shows. People wanting to tune in for music were stuck with Total Request Live. Gone were the shows like 120 minutes.

And maybe there wasn’t a “movement” per se where they could all be lumped in together, but the 2000 - 2010 decade had some interesting bands. When I think of bands of that era, I think of bands like the The White Stripes, The Strokes, The Black Keys, Yeah Yeah Yeah’s, The Shins, Modest Mouse, Kings of Leon, Wolf Parade, Jimmy Eat World. But the thing is, that it is hard to really group them all together somehow. It’s like you said, things were sort of splintering into their own subcultures. They probably could have all been labelled something like “New Alternative”, but it seems like we were past that type of mega labelling.

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I couldn’t really say since I usually listen to music without lyrics. But beck is pretty chameleon like and does various electronic styles in ways. So lyrically I think he’s pretty great, don’t know if he’s as deep as Dylan, but I love his colorful, creative use language.


I’ve always thought this too about Beck. It’s always hard to compare someone to Dylan, but if there was a Dylan of my generation, it feels like it is probably Beck. Is he the Electronic Music Dylan? Well, I don’t think so. Just more like, the Dylan Dylan I suppose.


Beck! Love it!

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What of all the subgenera of dance music in the UK (garage, jungle…) in the 90s or post hardcore in the US (mathcore, mublecore, etc.)?

Well, more disturbing since the saturation of the internet we haven’t had any real youth culture movement!


Internet saturation has warped an entire generation into believing they’re nothing more than mods and avatars on a giant cultural discussion forum.

I’d like to see the Edan movie, with Edan played by Dylan.

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Or more likely you’ve just not been a part of it :slight_smile:

The youth of today very much has its own culture, just as rich as any other. We’re just old and confused and wish they’d stop making so many TikToks.


Well, I know I am old and confused, but I don’t agree with the rest of your statement. I believe a proper youth culture movement needs a bit of isolation for it to gestate and develop and that is nearly impossible now.

Change is hard, I get it

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No need to be patronizing because I disagree with you. I know what slaps.

Haha I was trying to be funny - appreciate it doesn’t always come across well :slight_smile:

But let me guess, the youth culture you had was ‘proper’, right? It’s just this is something every generation does (at least since the 50’s anyway), we should have cottoned onto it by now. It’s always so easy to dismiss the youth as vacuous and without substance - mostly because we’ve completely lost connection with it.

But happy to agree to disagree these are just opinions after all!

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Well, proper was likely a bad choice of words. I meant in a fully formed way, you know: hairstyles, language, secret handshakes, sneaker modifications, etc.

But all of those things very much exist in youth culture today - in ways I personally find baffling and scary.

I’d suggest you need to interact with more young people but tbh I’d recommend against it.


I actually spend a fair amount of time talking to kids in their 20s. Most of them are just into clothing honestly. Never been to a concert, etc.