Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

Good thing “classical” music didn’t stop evolving. Electronics have found their way into contemporary art and I quite like what modern musicians do with it.

I have to agree, it’s kind of a shame to talk about music in this setting when we only limit ourselves to 4/4 dance music :frowning:
I got to give credit to the few electronic/pop musicians out there that try to bring back some of this into their repertoire (thinking of VS with his 7/8 beat or Nero releasing an orchestra version of their album). Might not be the same, but at least they might extend someone’s musical horizon.


Yeah, well they stole it from a guy in a pub in North Wales.

He was well bitter about it.

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Nah, I just wanted to point out that they were doing their thing before NWA (I know they weren’t the very first). Curious to see what sort of reaction it might provoke.

Even if it is of no importance to anyone else, I personally found the thought to be mildly entertaining. Which is from my point of view THE most important thing since everyone else is just words on a screen.

I can only hope to one day reach the levels of cultural appropriation that our forebears once did. In this day & age, it will be even more notable!!

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If you’re being sarcastic, please indicate so by some kind of emoji.

If not, :man_facepalming: that is just so wrong and you need to do your research. I’m having a good chat here so I’m not going to go there.

Oh is that that dudes problem? I’ve always wondered. Makes sense.

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12 Bar Blues was originally created on a pub crawl in Killarney in the 1720s; forever mistaken over the years as a reference to the song structure.


I don’t have much time for their early pop songs tbh, but if you give The White Album and Abbey Road some time, that shit is some of the best music ever written or ever will be (imo) and has influenced many artists over the years - Radiohead and Elliott Smith being just two notable ones. I’d also argue (controversially) that they created metal with the outro to I Want You (She’s So Heavy) :sweat_smile:


Don’t worry too much about it he thinks Prodigy is better than the Beatles. Poor thing.

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Pretty easy to sh*t on Dylan, but you can’t deny his influence on popular music.
That said, comparisons are stupid, but I’d probably have to go with Kraftwerk.
Or maybe Kraftwerk are the Robert Johnson of Electronic music… I do know.

Just making a point that there can be unhelpful incendiary comments about cultures ‘stealing’ from other cultures, whilst instead cross influence and pollination of ideas should be celebrated as a human experience.

Dig deeply enough into many prominent cultures and they also draw their source or current form from many other places.

Irish ‘Sean Nos’ - an ancient traditional form of oral music, bears many resemblances to the Blues, and interestingly Eastern cultures.

Hence introducing a bit of levity before the great divisionists seek to fragment the wonderful cultures of the world rather than join them together in a colourful, rich mosaic that will take us into the future of music

Appalachian music


I totally agree with your sentiments about cultures and genres influencing one another and I don’t at all disagree that Irish music influenced blues. But your comment is a straight “stole” without any hint of levity, not that it influenced.

Fair enough!

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I have done a few times over the years. None of it ever really gripped me. It’s obviously good songwriting and whatever, it’s just not for me.

Don’t be patronising.

I do prefer the Prodigy to the Beatles, the music they make speaks to me more than the Beatles and their popularity opened the door for a hell of a lot of other music that played a big part in forming who I am.
Also, growing up in the arsehole of England in the 90’s as a metalhead/grebo, having the Prodigy in common with a lot of the people who would usually kick the shit out of me got me out of a lot of fights.


Thanks for having the guts to state the truth!

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I wasn’t. Tongue-in-cheek.

I get it.

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people usually reference Helter Skelter :upside_down_face:

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Hence my “controversially” caveat. But stick that main riff through some heavy distortion and voila.

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Meh. Even when everything is overdriven, Paul can’t not be toothless.

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Kinks - You Really got me (1964)