Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

:roll_eyes: Dylan’s lyrics, Brian Wilson’s compositions, Jimi’s skills are not mediocre.

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Still, imo, not the best poetry humanity produced.
And btw… poetry in NOT music.
Skills are not music.
And comparing Beach Boys to Beethoven im not even gonna comment.


Although, having said all of that, the 1960’s were full of proto metal tracks, but what I’d give to live in a world where those first 3 notes of “black Sabbath” are entirely new to me.

Because as much as there were plenty of “first metal songs” in the 60s, “Black Sabbath” was the first and last word in being metal as fuck, Sabbath could have written that and all fucked off to be accountants immedately afterwards and it would still be the source of all the righteous evil in the world.


NO. Definitely not. Did not deserve the Nobel; even he will probably admit that (and imo did with that “speech”)

And Western harmonic rules aren’t the whole game either.

Wish I could heart more than once

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Only if you compare them to the rest of pop…
Look into Modern Era music and you’ll see people wrote better lyrics in languages they barely spoke, wrote better and more sophisticated compositions, for more than just 8 voices or so.

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Beach boys > Beethoven

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How are we defining Dylan anyway? I really don’t know enough about him other than some of his bigger acoustic guitar and harmonica tracks in the earlier days.

Westbam > Beach Boys


imo the best analog to Dylan is Steve Jobs. Jobs wasn’t an inventor, but he propelled digital access to music with Apple computers.

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There is a new song, too complex to get all of first time around. It could come only out of the ferment that characterizes today’s pop music scene. Brian Wilson, leader of the famous Beach Boys, and one of today’s most important musicians, sings his own ‘Surf’s Up.’

Poetic, beautiful even in its obscurity, ‘Surf’s Up’ is one aspect of new things happening in pop music today. As such, it is a symbol of the change many of these young musicians see in our future.

Pet Sounds became an instant classic when it first appeared. Listening to it today, it is, perhaps, easier to see why it was one of the defining moments of its time…its willingness to abandon formula in favor of structural innovation, the introduction of classical elements in the arrangements, production concepts in terms of overall ‘sound’ which were novel at the time, all these elements give Pet Sounds a freshness that, thirty years later, is immediately there for the listener.

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Weirdly, my Buttholes Surfers t- shirt did exactly that at a club once.

And Coil are probably the Buttholes Surfers analogue. Or the Jack Officers are, obviously.


Now if we’re talking about the beach boys…

Beautifully simple, endlessly dense and complex.
A level of songwriting, compositional and performing skill beyond anything I could ever comprehend.


Here’s a hot-take, pretentious comparison:

Beach Boys - Socrates/ Plato ; Beatles - Aristotle.

Beatles were cool and had a supportive network and won out in the end. Brian didn’t have any of that and thus his transcendence was lost.

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Nobody. Dylan was mostly raw and unplugged. Electronic music is not unplugged.

Really depends on what you define electronic music as.
There are acts that play live electronic instruments and it can get pretty wild. Is that electronic music?

When Keith passed I put on Prodigy in the car and had to pull over immediately because I started crying so hard.

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Hope you werent on the hard shoulder.

I didn’t mean to dis him. Wilbury’s are ACE.


Me too man, I cried like a child more than once putting prodigy tracks on. I can’t think of many people from my teens who’s existence simply said “you can be as odd and messed up as you like and still make it in the world”. Before Keith, walking around with purple hair, eye make up or a mohawk was a guaranteed arse kicking in my hometown. After Keith it dropped to about a 50% chance of an arse kicking.

I still can’t watch the video for Firestarter though.