Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

I stopped watching when he said Beethoven came the closest to “universal”. I won’t go into the social-political implications of a comment like that.

And anyway he doesn’t say Beethoven is definitively the best thing ever. So the same person who extolled praises on Beethoven also extolled praises on the genuis behind the Beach Boys.

The video from where the quote came:

The music may not be your thing, but it terms of harmonic, melodic and structural development, easily on par with Beethoven.

Good video. I bought Fat of the Land after watching it.

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i’m going to throw in Fennesz here -
if we’re going with Bob’s big thing being acoustic -> electric guitar then Fennesz did the electric->computer guitar with a unique voice that greatly influenced a whole swathe of people (myself included)

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Bernstein was a musical genius.

Alan Parsons.

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Lol what implications?!

Yes, he said Beethoven is the best ever in some aspects, he had lectures about it and he wrote about it.

He could be an asshole at times ^^

Taken off all the ‘‘who is better’’ stuff, I think the question is: who was a pioneer of electronic music who made super innovative stuff many decades ago that today sounds perfectly actual?
My answer: Kraftwerk.


Arent all genius’s(not sure what the plural of genius is).

I’m not :innocent:

I honestly don’t think there is any argument about Kraftwerk and electronic music: they did it. They are up there with the Beatles, James Brown, Aretha, Ray Charles, Dylan, VU…all of them.


What was asshole about it?! He was cute actually and funny. It’s an orchestra, it needs to be done properly, right? Otherwise the music will suffer, audience too…
He even said that he’s not a triangle specialist, to make things less serious!

If a desk plays wrong, you usually try to repeat it with the whole voice. If it still doesn’t turn out to be correct, you let the desks play individually. Calling people out by their name, especially in front of a (televised) audience is just a dick move, regardless of who does it and how funny they are about it. Especially when he says he’s lucky to only have 2, when it should be 15 triangles.
Being put on a spot in front of the whole orchestra is frightening and rarely called for.

Ahhhhh there it is. It was such a pleasant conversation too.

Thanks for going down the road of personal attacks, really appreciate it.

Being good doesn’t mean you can’t be an asshole sometimes. Most conductors ride too high on their ego, Bernstein was very humble for his skills.
Also I have over a decade of orchestral experience and half my adult family are career musicians, most of them play in orchestras…

EDIT: also nice of you to assume I’m a Zoomer (which I’m not)

Hands down the most entropic thread.


You win the most elitist post of the day award, hah.

Honestly as great an innovator, composer & theorist as Stockhausen was, I would probably not love electronic music as much as I do know had it stayed as a curiosity studied & taught only at universities.

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Classical musicians are very prestigious and there’s an etiquette in how you play in an orchestra. Singling out individual players is seen as a dick move. Believe me or not.

I guess your post was just coincidentally placed after mine, too, completely unrelated to the topic at hand. And to add a tu quoque just because it’s fun: you thinking that I “managed to find a single possible reason” is just as much of a projection. :man_shrugging: