Why a separate forum!

Thanks…more suggestions the merrier.

Another AK??? Are we able to route the after touch to many different destinations even when going back and forth to external synths playing while AK synth engine is doing it’s magic?
Is this poly after touch or channel?
Since joystick seems to be so assignable to within the AK, can it have saved settings to routings to external midi down chain as well?

It’s for MY LAB :slight_smile:

This is where posts will look like:

“So I’ve been reading the manual and I simply do not understand the functionality of the keyboard. I press a key, and it plays a sound, and the next keys around it seem to play different variations of the same sounds- some of them sound good together, some do not. Any idea if my unit is broken?”

“How do you play chords?”

“Can you midi sequence the AK with the A4???”

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Well, by already deeming people’s questions as stupid or ignorant does absolutely NOTHING for making this forum feel like a welcome place. That approach has already been enough to cause people I personally know to stay clearly away from this forum and previous one and find this kind of presumption in jest or otherwise quite offensive.
“I sense a disturbance in the Force”, when people go out of way to just be a d*ck!

May music help! More music, music, yeah.
That’s the Force!

(Foto by JD Hancock,
Creative Commons, Flickr)

Well, by already deeming people’s questions as stupid or ignorant does absolutely NOTHING for making this forum feel like a welcome place. That approach has already been enough to cause people I personally know to stay clearly away from this forum and previous one and find this kind of presumption in jest or otherwise quite offensive.
“I sense a disturbance in the Force”, when people go out of way to just be a d*ck![/quote]
This is very obviously a joke, and I’m not sure how a soul could possibly be offended by made-up questions about a product no one has used yet.

I respond to you by suggesting that maybe just taking a deep breath and relaxing as you browse forum posts would do you and many other people a world of good.

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Or…others laying off the ‘stimulants’, even if that happens to be caffeine because it’s obviously not that becoming to some personalities whom would choose to jest about potential questions and what you are doing is belittling them ahead of fact.

Real mature!

Let me get this straight:

Not understanding how a keyboard works is an actual problem you’re anticipating?

The incessant questions about MIDI sequencing with the A4 are so serious that my joke is out of line?

I guess all the “stimulants” have really made me lose touch with reality!

EDIT: I would also like to say that most of the regular posters around here bend over backwards to answer the questions of newcomers. I think if you searched this forum you’d find that I take a substantial amount of time out of my days to provide detailed responses to such questions. Your hysterical reaction to my harmless joke shows that you aren’t paying very much attention to the threads where people ask the sort of questions you’re heroically defending against smug dicks like myself.

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I would actually anticipate this, because I am not sure Elektron know how keyboards work…

And yeah, a lot of elektron users are more button pushers than keyboard players. For many it will be their first MIDI keyboard.

Just my opinion but it seems like a better solution to this would be to have them be one forum and to tag [AK] or [A4] for unit specific posts in the title.


I agree 100%

+1. Since they share the same OS, there are many threads that relate to both AF and AK.

Considering Elektron states the Analog Keys as a ‘Flagship’ Instrument, and although it may share the same OS as A4, it is indeed different enough to make it much easier to find specific Analog Keys posts, issues, tips, midi controller operations that are indeed unique to only the Analog Keys…without having to sift through all the A4 pages if they were to be comingled in same forum.

Using some critical thinking here, it just makes sense. How exactly hard is it for one to peruse the A4 threads separately?

Would you also wish for the new “Over Bridge” posts to be comingled amongst all the other three (A4,AK,AR) simply because they ALL use Over Bridge? I think not.

It might make sense now to merge them, but in the long run it will be best to keep them seperate.

Keep in mind that AKS are just hittin homes, but in a year who knows how big elektron will be and how busy this forum will be. As a moderator of both a4 and ak sub forums, I think we need to keep them seperate in a big picture sense.

My vote would be to keep them separate.

even though similar info relates to both I would still prefer them separate as well

the first or second thread from that forum !

it is what it is, but i think AK owners would be wise (and should be advised) to ask any question that’s applicable to both in the A4 forum, keep the AK forum for specific threads that are unique to the few differences

put simply, there’s a broader more established knowledge base in the four community, i don’t browse the keys forum at all, maybe contributed 3 posts, that’s no loss to anyone, … anyways, i don’t see it changing now, it almost has a marketing/consumer-study value to Elektron, plus it’s still no biggie

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Uh, am I crazy or did this finally happen?

I do not know whether you are crazy but Elektron has merged the two forum categories.


So, A4 and AK are basically the same instrument. Why do they have their own threads?

As a A4 user I have to search both forums, as some topics are only discussed in the AK forum. Otherwise, there are a lot of questions, that were already discussed in the other forum.

Why to make it that complicated and confusing.

I think it would be easier and more informative for A4 and AK users if the topics are merge to a single “A4/AK” forum.