Why am I keep losing data on my Syntakt?

I am new to the world of Elektron machines so it might be my fold, but I am keep losing data on my Syntakt. So far I had two scenarios.

  1. I entirely cleared a pattern via Pattern > Clear, made changes to the pattern, saved via [FUNC] + [Save Proj] multiple times, rebooted my Syntakt and the pattern in again in the exact same state as before clearing. All my changes to the pattern are lost.

  2. I turned on my Syntakt, played a pattern (1) which sounded how it sounded last time, switched to a different pattern (2), made some changed, saved via [FUNC] + [Save Proj] multiple times, switched back to the previous pattern (1) and suddenly all the pages are reset to default SYN, FLTR, AMP, LFO, Mixer, etc. The sequences of all the track all still intact though.

Has anyone had similar experiences? I am using my Syntakt ‘wrong’? Any tips on how to avoid such issues? Am I unintentionally making any global changes which affect other patterns?

I am on the current firmware 1.01.

I lost some data as well. Only happened once so far. Made changes to a pattern, didn’t save or anything. Turned it off, and later turned it on again, and it at reverted back to a previous state, before my changes.

This is a new project right, not the factory ones? I think the factory project is locked or something.

Also, be sure to “save project as”, or whatever it is the first time you save the project, then the func + proj shortcut save should work fine after that.

Not in front of any gear at the moment, so can’t help much beyond that.

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The following happened to me on the Digitone. A project or pattern got corrupted. I performed a sysex dump, then reinstalled, from my computer, the contents of the sysex dump. And voila, everything was good again.

Long story short, that made me realize that maybe, just maybe the data is okay but the machine gets confused.

I don’t know if the same scenario applies to the Syntakt, but it might be worth a try.

Of course I am using a new project right, not the factory one. Does it matter to do a Pattern > Save to proj > Whole pattern first and give the pattern a name before simply using the [FUNC] + [Save Proj] after that? [FUNC] + [Save Proj] does not prompt me to give the pattern a name but it usually works to save the pattern.

You need to save a project to properly retain its data and parameters. [FUNC] + [GLOBAL SETTINGS] saves the active Project. [FUNC] + [YES] temporarily saves the active Pattern. You can use these while you work.

You also need to properly shut down your Syntakt after use. Following these tips should make sure you don’t lose your data.


Thank you for your reply. I am continuously using [FUNC] + [GLOBAL SETTINGS] to save my project in case I mess anything up and need to revert my changes. I am aware that [FUNC] + [YES] only saves the pattern temporarily.

How to do that? There is a single power switch. The only way to shutdown the Syntakt.

I just realized that in my scenario No. 2 not only a single pattern, but all the other pattern were reset as well. Meaning that all pages (SYN, FLTR, AMP, LFO, Mixer, etc.) are reset to default. Just like Pattern > Clear > Kit data was executed on all patterns in the project except the active pattern. How is this even possible the clear all the kit data at ones? The sequencer data is still there.
The work of several evenings is lost. Am I supposed to backup my Syntakt to a computer every night? I am about to quit…

Does your unit freeze sometimes when you turn it on?

No, I have never experienced that.

You’re welcome. I made the comment about proper shutdowns because some people leave their machines connected to a power strip with an on/off switch and power cycle their devices via the power strip. That’s not recommended.

I also think you might be accidentally erasing your patterns and settings by mistakenly clearing your patterns with [FUNC] + [PLAY]. It happens to all of us as we begin to use Elektron gear.

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im sorry to hear it. we’ve all been there. but it possibly could be there is a problem with the machine/firmware. see if you can recreate the steps that cause the issue, and if you think there is some problem with the machine and not user error, submit a bug report to elektron. i feel your pain as i feel like i’ve experienced this sort of thing many times myself. the best advice i have is to always be recording externally, at least to have an audio backup. for sure why not perform a complete system back up at the end of every session, at least you can be sure.

On my side, it was a new project, that was saved before, but the latest changes weren’t saved with the save command. I’m also sure I didn’t accidentally clear it, the pattern was there but the latest tweaks were gone.

Changes to patterns should be stored in the ram, even after power cycling, correct?

Yes, this is correct.


No, you aren’t (while it is not the worst idea, of course).

Have you checked if the write-protection of the project you are using isn’t accidentally turned on?


(selecting a project in this menu and pressing the [RIGHT] arrow key will bring up a list of commands)


I tested your hypotheses. Without being in any mode or holding any other bottoms [FUNC] + [PLAY] clear all sequences of the active pattern, but not the sounds. Holden any page bottom (SYN, FLTR, etc.) + [FUNC] + [PLAY] clears the respective page, and only that page. To clear the sound (i.e. all the pages) of a track one must press [TRK] + [FUNC] + [PLAY], not something you do by accident. And again this only clear the sound of the active track. The other tracks are not effected. However I lost the sound of all my track of all (except one, which was the active pattern at my last session) my patterns. Which bottom combination could even do that, even to a single pattern?

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I checked, there is not lock and can confirm that I can successfully save the project.

I also noticed that I can go to a new pattern, change any parameters of the sound, turn the Syntakt off the same second, leave it off for a minute without the power cord, turn the Syntakt back on and the changes I made are still there. Some sort of autosave without ever saving the project with the changes to the new pattern?

Then as @mattleaf suggested, you might want to submit a report to Elektron because what you’re describing is not normal behavior.

Have you tried to create a new project and reproduce the behavior?

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