Why am I not a MOD anymore?

î am not a mod anymore , I think since the forum update. why is that?

Le roi est mort, vive le roi \o/

Maybe the other mods all ganged up on you?

I think a more discrete approach would be to PM whoever it was that signed you up. But together with the new forum software, the admins did decide to go with a more focussed group of new moderators, new beginnings and no prior set ways to unlearn I guess.

But tbh, given all your sweary dissent and public anger of late, I’m not sure you’ve been singing from the mod hymn-sheet dear Trabant. I can assure you that the change was not related to Rusty’s dark humour, it was merely, new forum, new faces and we were approached directly.

Again, this isn’t really the place to be thrashing this out, PMs make more sense for this.


Propaganda! You’re a puppet of the totalitarian state, I’m onto you @avantronica :smile_cat:


I like the new moderators they’re doing a great job :slight_smile:

That’s coming from someone who used to spend a little time each day maintaining the marketplace deleting spam answering PMs etc but end of the day if this place is running smoothly I am happy and thankful. Avantronica and Lying Dalai Peter Hanes and whomever else I missed are doing great :sunny:


Thx @nirun :thup:
@AdamJay is the one you missed ^^

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Ah my apologies, Adam is just too much of a legend with the boxes I forget he’s got time to mod too =)