Why Be Area EP (Sleeper 2)

Hey Nauts,

I’m a bit late posting this. Coincidentally this EP dropped the same day as our first child, so it’s been quite a magical but exhausting time. We put a ton of work into these songs and I’m really happy with how they turned out. They kind of capture the months leading up to birth, trying to not go crazy staying inside and avoiding covid in LA so we’d be able to be together in the delivery room.

Technical info for the nerds…

  • Most synth is Super 6
  • Drums are Rytm and Digitakt
  • Kyle is entirely digitakt with bass (standout patch IMO) from a Ricky Tinez DB-01 sample pack + low-pass with envelope
  • All mixed and recorded in Ableton
  • Bendo is based around a synth sample from our friend State

Thanks for listening! Feedback is welcome, still kind of new to electronic production and this is totally self-produced and released.


whoops, tracks were private. working now ::)

Very nice.

Did you do the vocals on e.g. Mantra or did you use samples?

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Thanks for checkin it out! Mantra vocals are us, the one on Kyle is a splice sample if I remember correctly.

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