Why has no one built the perfect sampler yet?

Why won’t someone make one? It’s not rocket science, just give me everything I want :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It could be impossible, depending on the hardware and UI the device has. That’s why touch screens were such a complete revolution for industrial machines. With them, you weren’t locked into the operating UI and hardware a machine was built with, you could change it as you go and have a working UI for new features. That’s why your idea already exists, for the iPad and a DAW. They both free the developer from having to worry whether their old hardware is capable of running new features, or whether their old UI is versatile enough for a new way of using the hardware.

Sometimes I think we need a Eventide H9000 with a build in sampler.

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This review is pretty funny, hah.

Plugins are better, stay away. 1/5


I used to be a huge iOS evangelist haha and although I’m still an everyday user I’m definitely not beguiled by the ridiculous shenanigans of that platform anymore… you’re right, they could have done anything on iOS but nooooo that would go against the weird conspiracy they have about doing everything they can to not make anything ableton-esk, monome-ish, mpc-ish… I’d rather eat beets than use bm3, and is the ton drum machine really the best elektron-ish they can come up with… of course drambo and gr-16 is the answer to everything right… nope, as wonderful as they are they don’t feel like anything they are emulating…

I miss the iOS days when everything was self contained and every other syllable out of someone’s mouth wasn’t Au…Au… imho it’s another example of this wonderful future that’s more hollow than realized… not unlike how native instruments maschine was supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread only except it’s not :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I would say this… iOS could be anything and everything if only there was the will, just like the rest of this charade… some stuff will always be golden like jonatans apps, Sample, playground if they ever decide to release that damn beatsurfing v2 with sample import, elastic drums, anything Igor vasiliev touches is a must have for me… Alex and other devs, but the platform as a whole is more an exercise in futility… as is apples lack of comprehension or should I dare say it again… their Will to fulfill its potential…
but beat machine wise with a few nice exceptions the iPad sucks eggs, and I don’t care how many times madlib talks about how he’s used it for everything for the last 12 or 13 years

I guess the real point is that we could do a lot better before we start saying nay… if we only got all of the beat machines to actually sample, have a nice sample slicing and mangling repertoire available on deck, disk streaming, sequencers that you can play, modulate and have fun with like electrons, recordable mutes, nice pads and more ram/storage people might stop asking for the perfect sampler… we could at least start with these common sense standards

remember how old disk streaming is, if Roland and synthstrom can do it anyone can… remember what the Yamaha su700 could do, and yet people think an ableton push 3 stand alone can’t happen what???, look at NI , do you know how old the recordable mutes feature is and they are still trying to pull rabbits out of their hats instead of just making the simple basic feature that’s been requested since day one… man it never ends…


I am still somewhat of an iOS evangelist but I still agree with pretty much everything you said. Igor is an absolute genius who will always deserve all my money.

If you wanted to make the best iOS sampler you could do a lot worse than give the Olympia Noise Co dev some backing and let him go all out for Patterning 3. Same goes, in an entirely different direction, with Marek and Koala XXL or whatever he will eventually do next. If you could convince Bram to make a sampler that would be a heavyweight contender but you won’t (and I understand why). Alternatively just give Igor all the money and let him make something nobody else has ever even contemplated


As far as I know it can’t. It would be a great feature for making a more turntable like scratching with the ability to speed it up.

Actually there are samplers in Eventides and they’re quite nice. Never used 9000 but in 8000 I use it quite often

Maybe in 9000 there are more interesting sampler programs… :thinking:

And if one not satisfied just go and get KYMA

So as for samplers and perfection anyone think there is something else at 1,500 that can do what an octatrack can do so far as sampling, sequencing, and p-locking. I fall back to the Digitakt, though I want to surf through full tracks worth of audio more easily. I enjoy the performance feel, aspect of the Octatrack with the fader and longer keybed over the DT.

I know there is a lot out there, Deluge, some MPC, sp1200 remake, op1,…? Any suggestions worthy of considering? I don’t care for pads but if the machine is good I don’t mind but it must sample straight up.

Nope and that’s the main problem here. No one has come close in more than a decade haha


I posted a thread on GS about 2 years ago regarding wanting a do it all sampler in rack form, the response I got were basically everyone telling me I was a nutter and I should stick to Kontakt and the old Akai’s


I have Kyma since 1999 and I like it for what it is. From a hardware sampler with UI pov I still regret that I didnt also go for the Hartmann Neuron.

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maybe the toraiz 16 might be the closest thing to it but what a mess if you’re the type that needs the feel of a completed product, but the closest doesn’t mean it feels like it cause it doesn’t.

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it sounds like you’re happy with the octa though

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Nice, looks like sound design heaven!

Do you think it can “compete” as a “sampler” with something like ASR10 or else and if so what exactly is can offer as a “sampler” (of course the most exotic one)?

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Yep, and this is no way an advanced feature, it’s a core sampler functionality, just not present… before talking about anything ‘perfect’

I am loving the OT; box of creativity and great fun to combine in a smalll setup as a performance mixer / mangler /sampler. I would recommend. Still i am considering getting a Force to compare the workflow since the Digitakt is what I use most. It just has an edge over the OT in terms of workflow and immediacy. OT I often use to chop samples which is pretty fast and then I fck those samples up.

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so close

Hrmmmmm, after the recent updates I think the Digitakt might be calling to me again.

It samples into stereo, yes?

Was contemplating the possibility of parting with it briefly as I am dropping a chunk of change on it now to have a faulty trig button replaced. But of all the instruments I’ve used I was more sad to have to ship it and be without it than just the amount I’m paying to fix it, so, yeah I don’t think I’ll really ever want to part with it. I’m definitely not a traditional instrument type of person and this feels like it’s just ‘my instrument’.

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