Why has no one built the perfect sampler yet?

No, sums all samples to mono.

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I remember correctly then (I was being hopeful that i’d just forgotten) At this point it may be worth working in mono and panning just to get the best workflow if i can’t get a OT mkii at a reasonable cost.

I’d update my AR to a mkii if it also sequenced…

M8 seems to be coming close to ticking a lot of peoples boxes I think. SD card streaming sampler with mono or stereo, large pitch range, sequencer is tracker style with tables so you can get really deep with it, not exactly elektron style but deeper in some ways also, so I would probably chalk it up to preference. Pair it up with a little midi controller and I think writing music on it would be similar to digitakt in speed. You do have to more or less brute force time stretching but tables should let you more or less have this set up easily. Sound of it is nice and punchy. I suppose it is a bit of a waiting game for the hardware on this for now.

Deluge seems to also tick a lot of boxes for people but the lack of a compressor or limiter might be why it often sounds a bit flat to me? Not sure it does seem quite nice except of the missing screen for editing samples.

Deluge is difficult to acquire it seems. If still only 400.00 on the site you can’t add it to a cart.

The M8 wouldn’t fit me in sight of it for me. Don’t want a touch screen. And I’m not a tracker fanboy but I’ll use sequencing and step editing.

Not much really comes up to the OT unless you want that MPC experience.

yeah I can see that, M8 has a touch screen but really it is just because nice oled screen have that as a feature now, so it is basically just used for kaoss pad type performance macros or swipe style data entry, both are pretty minor features that you could ignore. It isn’t like modern MPC where the UI is really built around having a touch screen at times.

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at the risk of being flamed. I present to you: Korg electribe sampler 2?

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I did think about it before the Digitakt existed.

can be scored cheaply off eBay. There are …some shortcomings… but let a smarter person than me (loopop) present: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql0e-cfM0Q0

Maybe ‘compete’ would be more towards on, why and for what purpose to use a sampler?

Looking at the history of digital samplers, maybe we could divide samplers into 4 categories.
The keyboard concept, drum machine, tracker (Amiga home computer) and rack mount samplers.

So far the ‘drum machine’ and ‘tracker’ style are the most popular. About a ASR10 it would be very interesting to see a modern ‘keyboard’ sampling workstation and only focus for sampling to keep it limited.

Let’s just say it like this. I am always in the market for something new and exciting when it comes to samplers. Wish there was also more focus on alternative UI control, and yes same for synths.

Here the new Kurzweil K2700

To be honest a very interesting sound engine. However, the whole concept looks not inviting or bring up new ideas that could inspire…


This was the old mpc way, buy more outs, buy an fx board, upgrade your hard drive/screen/pads/buttons. Shame they’ve pretty much wiped that out, and weirdly their top end boxes are literally exactly the same as their low end boxes minus a few knobs


Not including the OP in this statement but I think people complain too much. Limitations of an instrument have never felt like a road block to me. Turn limitations into features.

Also, including everything + “the kitchen sink” would probably make for a fumble-ly, hard to use product that isn’t performance oriented in any way.

People love making jam videos now and as much as they complain about what their samplers lack, I think including more options in them would make them less usable as live instruments.

If people want, and I know some would love it, a new modern rack sampler that’s all menu dive-y then yea sure…a sampler that does everything. But despite what the amount of b*tching I don’t think that’s what most people want. And from a manufacturer’s why build that when DAWs exist. I think the “perfect” sampler would be a niche product even within the community of hardware users.

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And let’s not forget how people complain about the current MPC range because they do too much and are wannabe DAWs in a box…


That’s the thing, they do too much and are just a limited DAW in a box. The perfect sampler would have a completely different set of features.

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Well, the UI is major important. Just look at the Hartmann Neuron and even today it’s UI is still ahead compared to anything else.

Another complex synth like the Waldorf Quantum/Iridium are quite easy to approuch.

Sure. I’ll take your word for it those are heading in the right direction. But the price point alone still leaves those as pretty niche. I guess the OP was not concerned about how accessible such a device would be but I did for some reason lol.

I guess my main thing is I get the sense that people spend more time worried about what their gear can’t do than embracing and using what it can do.

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the problem is that no one has figured out the optimal amount of complaining yet, I’ve been looking for an opportunity to say something as stupid as this for a long time so I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I think that reverse-complaining is the real issue

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I like to see a ideal sampler for example to use in this situation.

For now I can see to make it work with a small mixer plus Octatrack. Would be limited and fun. In my case I would be missing some contrast in sound shaping. I would probably add a Eventide H9 and Analog Heat. By now this ‘small set’ would be quite complex for realtime sampling and sound processing.

Just to give you a impression that not everyone is into simple sampling vinyl or beat oriented things.


Still not a lot of info and examples, but seems like very promising instrument!

I don’t think they’re available

Not at all. I suggested a way based on machines like OT. Repeating myself now. One machine does granular and has dedicated parameters specifically for that on its pages and encoders, another does beat slicing, another does wavetable, same deal regarding dedicated parameters for all the different types of manipulation chosen at the time of picking the sample. So I respectfully reject the notion that I didn’t consider usability :slightly_smiling_face:

This whole thread is simply speculative, and all about the what if. And if someone would rather carry on with what they have rather than discuss their dream sampler or the reasons for the current limitations on all samplers out there, they totally can do so. No one is stopping them.

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