Why has no one built the perfect sampler yet?

OT + Tracker is a nice combo, a certain synergy and enough different advantages to make both worthwhile, only slight bummer is PT not quite 44.1k sample rate (44117) which still load into OT ok but you get the :expressionless: smiley in the file browser, indicating it will play but rate is not supported, they play fine though.


beat maker or something like that. I used to own it, it was very powerful…
I found my old license. It’s BeatCreator.


Because I’m busy

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Oh man! You found it :grinning: I just looked in my account. Looks like I only own Edison. I thought I bought it. Did you download it?

beat creator was dope, man haven’t seen that in a good long time… still got a license for it

I didn’t know that imagineline owned that though, I thought I bought that directly from them

I am thinking the same (bought it from the original company), but no longer know where the license is. Damn. Was just looking through slicers and the only one even close to that one is Recycle.

It won’t work on this MBP. That was back when I had a blue Dell, pentium 4 :joy:


I know things, but all I can say is Octatrack users will be pleased.


When it comes from Elektron I suspect a new sampler more like the Isla S2400 and no granular things.

Anyway, personally I keep my eye for a perfect hardware sampler and even it’s not really performance based by this maker.

I like how the UI looks towards FM synthesis and wonder what would happen by the same principle on a hardware sampler concept.

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My simple reply

E4XT Ultra

  • 128‑voice Polyphony.
  • 32‑part multitimbrality (2 sets of MIDI connections).
  • 64Mb RAM.
  • 3.2Gb Hard Drive.
  • Dual 24‑bit effects processors.
  • 21 filter types.
  • 8 Balanced analogue outputs.
  • Word clock & AES/EBU I/O.
  • 240 x 64‑dot Custom Backlit Display.
  • 48‑track sequencer.
  • Arpeggiator.

Here is Dave Clark playing live at Pink Pop festival with a pile of EMUs


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Sound like Dave Clack is just using the sampler like a playback tape.

ps. sorry, I never heard about Dave Clark and it’s only my impression.

Yes he is playing portion of samples and music stems all on time

What he is doing is not easy, as he doesn’t have a sequencer running, it is all played by hands

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Human voice is the original sampler, still rules them all!

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This rises up another relative question; who are the pioneers of sampling and what kind of sampling techniques are they using?

Very good question!!!

I start from the assumption that Sampling is an Art


Pioneers as in: who pushed the envelope initially or do you mean those at the cutting edge today?

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The Art of Noise were early pioneers of purely sample based music

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All pop / mainstream music is essentially sampled now.

Many times I’ve been surprised by how much that I assumed was original synth design / programming in 90s electronic music turned out to be sampling (sometimes quite basic phrase sampling).

There’s a set of YT videos on samples used by the Prodigy that I particularly enjoyed - obviously a sample-centred act, but with some really resourceful and clever examples.


Not just the human voice! This one shows us how it’s done! Nature’s perfect sampler :wink: