Why might microtiming not work?

Weird - I have a pattern in progress, and for some reason microtiming isn’t working.
I’ve created a new pattern and it works just fine. Frustrating.
Can anyone think of any reason why microtuning might not work in a pattern or on a particular track?

Check your quantisation settings. if your tracks or global is quantised, microtiming won’t work (as the micro timed trigs will be quantised)

edit: I see now you said microtuning. My brain automatically converted that to microtiming… I guess this is what you mean?


Oops you’re right - micro timing, I’ve corrected the title. Thanks - I’ll check out the quantisation settings and see what it says on that pattern. I assume this can be different from pattern to pattern and is not a project setting?

I’m not sure for the DN. Most elektrons have quantisation setting globaly or per track. And I think these settings are stored per kit (on AR and A4). Since DN doesn’t have kits, I guess it is per pattern. Check manual for that…

I have set quantisation on full for that pattern, I previously recorded live and left it that way. Didn’t realise this would effect microtiming, but now that seems very obvious.