Why Monomachine is more scarce than MD

I’m just curious why the MM is so much harder to find secondhand compared to the MD. Both of them have insane resale prices now but it seems like the MD can be found for reasonable prices every now and then. Meanwhile every mk2 MM goes for 2.5k and up. Were there less of them made or do people just tend to hold on to them for longer? Who’s got the scoop!

maybe also: more other drum machines, not as many “other Monomachines” IYKWIM.

Make sure you trade your Monomachine for some self rising dough!


That’s a good point too. I guess A4 and DN are kind of the only comparable synths.

I feel bad for that dude! I bet he won’t make that mistake again though


Maybe it is the Sophie legacy tax? Hard to say.


This is a big part of it, after her fame/death prices steadily rose iirc


I’m only accepting gluten free flour for mine

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Autechre + Sophie is probably sufficient to explain MNM prices, but I’d guess that Elektron made more MDs than MNMs as well.


The Monomachine was not very popular before it got discontinued along with the Machinedrum in 2016. I would guess it was actually one of the least sold products (post-Sidstation) of Elektron and therefore they most likely didn’t produce as many units of it compared to the Machinedrum etc.

The Sophie and Autechre connection is one thing but scarcity creates a lot of hype in itself; it’s definitely a big part of the equation why it’s so expensive and sought after these days.


I never considered even looking at what the Monomachine is, because the name implied to me it’s a digital (one voice) mono synth.


Can do 6 voice poly on a single track too.


I think the MnM could deserve the most weirdest 6 monosynth award.
Speak & Spell included


Yeah, seems safe to say the name will never be used again for that reason. If the name had implied a multitimbral polyphonic synthesizer and sequencer, I might have considered one when it was available. Machinedrum on the other hand seems like a safe bet for a name to be reused

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Same here.

The market was full of polysnths, and even 6 monos in one box didn’t seem too appealing. Also, the sound of the monomachine wasn’t very much what was fashionable at the time.

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…for once…u could’nt be more wrong… endless sexy plastic sounds from uncharted leftfield planets that all could sing the song of doom and noise together… u would have loved it…


It was considered an expensive oddball and didn’t sell very well.

Of the mk1s, approx:
800 SFX-60s were made.
500 SFX-6s were made.

I bought the very last SFX-6 from Elektron in late 2007, that’s roughly 85 units pr year starting in 2002.

Mk2s, no idea, but judging from the mk1 sales figures I doubt they sold a lot more mk2s.

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