Why no retrig in digitone? Workaround?

There is no retrig in digitone, even though it was in the manual at some point.
But why? Why is it missing? Why would they have removed it?

Is there a way (aside from using longer patterns with less notes) to simulate it? I want my SH-KAA! Shhhu-Taa. Tushashukata. SHKTAA! Shka.

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Can’t you use an lfo in place of an envelope for the same effect?

I mean retrig on a step in the sequence, not the envelope. In the video, LFOs are used to bring life to shakers, but a conditional ratchet/retrig is needed to get some real interest going.

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That’s the digitakt… am I missing something?

Yes, you are. There used to be description (in the manual) of how to use RETRIG in digitone, but that was a mistake. It’s gone now. But why would they take it out? And is there another way to get ratchets on digitone?

I never knew of elektron implementing ratcheting in any of their synths. Just drum machines and samplers as far as I’m aware.

All I can think of is using lfo’s. Though that’s pretty limited for re-triggering as there are only 2 and I guess to get the same sound you would have to have the same LFO setting routed to every parameter.

Maybe if you run the tempo at double speed or more if possible, you would have more re-trigger opportunities per step, other than that I’m out of ideas.

My guess is it was a pasted phrase or section from Digitakt manual, since they share a lot of functionalities.
And the mistake was not removing that bit which was not applicable to Digitone.

None of these manuals are completely written from scratch.

It’s not likely that’s Digitone had retrig and then had the feature removed.


This might be the best bet: (edit: the thread, not sure why that reply got in the preview…)


I use the delay on 0 feedback for one repeat. Works well on hi hats etc.


That’s a really nice idea… may have to try that in a bit.


Dude! Don’t care about the manual. Why is it missing from the device?
The delay workaround seems like a good idea for a double hit. Any other ideas?

Just use the Arp at different resolutions. Make copies of the sounds and sound lock those different patches for different speed retrig. It’s a lot of work, but it works.


OK, but look at it this way : Elektron had digitakt. Which has retrig. Then they design digitone. Really similar device. Almost identical sequencer features. But no retrig. Why? I am asking for speculation. Would it be hard to have it on digitone? Would digitone not “Need” it? Why?

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All the machines have different features. You’ll get used to that fast around here.

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I don’t think it’s a case of Digitone not needing it as much as it is easier to implement re-triggering a sample than it is a synth engine as all parameters need re-triggering which would be quite tricky to implement with loads of clicks, pops and other artefacts coming into play.

Coming from a DAW background I always did this with the scissor tool. Even if re-triggering a sample you have to make sure it is trimmed correctly so the start point is clean.

I know some synths do it, though not off the top of my head, but I do know it is definitely not a common feature in hardware synths, although it would be cool, this kind of thing is most commonly achieved by sampling your sounds and then implementing re-trigger with a sampler.


Because its a synth, not a drum or sample player.

Retrig on an Elektron only retriggers drums (AR/MD) and/or samples.
OT/MD/DT/AR/M:S = drums/samples

The Monomachine is a great illustration of this divide.
Its BBOX drum “machine” is the only machine inside that has retrig. Because it is triggering samples/drums.
None of the synth machines inside the Monomachine have retrig. You can’t retrig the FM machine or the Virtual Analog machine, the same way the Analog Four / Keys don’t have retrig either.

Quite simple, really.

The Digitone has more in common with its synth brethren than its drum machine brethren, since it is a synth.

Ratcheting/rolls/etc are rhythmic FX, which is why you find them present in drum machines more than you do synthesizers.


I’d really love retrig on their synths, not just because their synths are great at producing all manner of amazing drums, but I’d also love those things on melodies and bass lines. Not a deal breaker at all, just wish they would get ported over


I do think it would be a nice idea, then again how effective would it actually be?

Even with a high resolution midi roll and a precise digital softsynth if you just roll small midi notes it doesnt give you that sound. The best elements of glitching come from capturing a sound, interupting it mid-flow and playing it back from a precise point which has been manually trimmed after eq, compressing reverb etc. Everything stops and starts again and this instant constrast from sound to silence is what makes that element of re-triggering so special. Re-triggering at source on synthesizers sounds a bit… meh.