Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Find a good deal second hand and then u can’t lose


If you like what it does now, and that fits in with what you want, get one. Holding out for a mk3 or waiting for features that don’t exist yet only results in disappointment.


Amen on this on any synthesizer, drum machine, etc etc. Its like a computer, you can’t future proof, but the OT is as close as it gets. Just look at the prices on the mk1. Thats a 10 year old device. Thats as close as it gets, pull the trigger.

Can you afford it? I wouldn’t sell my digitakt for an OT.

The only way to make sure they announce a mk3 is for you to buy a mk2.

I’m joking, but it could happen. If you are worried about buyers remorse, my advice is to buy used and resell for the same price if things don’t pan out.

It’s not hypothetical. I got a DT then I got an OT almost right away, and I hated it in comparison to how fast and easy the DT is. But with the support of people here and the lack of a mk3 being announced, I have stuck with it and now think it’s far superior in just about every way (except maybe the UI).

Google batch audio conversion, and you should find some tools for the samples. The projects are likely unconvertable.

Best wishes with your musical endeavors.


i opted for the mk1 over the mk2 due to the aesthetic alone…the mk2 has grown on me more, but the mk1 is a classic and looks like a tank


I got the MK1 years ago. I already had the MNM and MD, so I was familiar with elektron machines but the octatrack has changed immensely since its release. The mk2 is only slightly updated from its older brother. I do like the added buttons but I miss the round trigs and the black color. They both do the exact same things. If you can get a good price on one jump on it. Like said already, highly doubtful there will be another octatrack, maybe something totally new, but I wouldn’t hold out on anything. Keep in mind though, Elektron does like to surprise us from time to time. :wink:

Go for it mate. I just picked up a mint MKI for £700 on reverb to go along side my modular. Bit pricey for a MKI but I don’t mind as I prefer the old ones aesthetically.

If you want it, do it!

Yup, got my MK1 5 years ago, and I don’t feel the need for a MKII at all

Well any new OT will cost significantly…and I do mean significantly…more than an MKI. With that extra money you could get a nice pairing with the OT.

Will any new OT (which is not even hinted at) be soooo much better than an MKI? With all its probably release bugs? Doubtful.

I got an MKI before there was an MKII. Haven’t felt much inkling to upgrade. Plus, agreed, the MKI look is far better. MKII black comes close though…


This thread confirms.
OT mk1 is better


I didn’t realise the A4 arp had been updated. Is this just for the Midi side or does it work the same way with the internal sounds?

only internal sounds i dont think arp works for midi?
notes are snapped to scale when played on keyboard or external keyboard when arp mode is active and scale is set & offsets now adhere to the scale when arp is active and scale is set , it wasnt mentioned in the notes but it has been updated…

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i couldn’t find anything new in the updated manual either

try it, i noticed it straight away

A Model Octatrack would raise my interest a notch. A handy gizmo in a small form factor. I think technology has dramatically improved in the last few years and when you open up an Octatrack theres a lot of wasted space.


only according to mk1 owners haha

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Because mk2 owners live in darkness. Its not their fault. :wink:


This would be most intriguing. Even a Model QuadTrack would be ace.

Model:Samples couldn’t squeeze a single input or full-size midi connections on there. No hope for a Model:Octatrack. Maybe in Digi format tho? :thinking:

my guess is “OT2” will be a kind of sampling mixer for Overbridge in a new MKII black (the new dark trinity). Real-time recording to SD and over usb of inputs and manglings.