Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Q: How do you know if someone prefers OT mkI?

A: Don’t worry, they’ll tell you :slightly_smiling_face:


I prefer MK2! Big time! The Mk1 was way too confusing :smiley:

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Mkii is less confusing? That’s nice to hear.

There are other QOL improvements too such as the screen and a more recent PSU. It’s nice to think you have a recently produced unit too, not only in terms of warranty but also how long it will last down the line re: encoders etc. backlit buttons are maybe a preference but it’s nice to see everything in the dark

I’m personally now waiting for the next analog history lesson video. They’re either releasing nothing to do with analog next in the next month or they are… I’m not holding my breath for another OT. But a new Analog might have stereo sampling, which would satisfy a lot of people.

No need to. Such an evidence that OT is better.

The Prototype is even better than the MK1 and 2 lol.

Gorgeous! Wood box. Harder to use though…


Elektrons gotta eat

The reports of Octatracks death have been greatly exaggerated.


The OT is the reason I came to Elektron, I use it as the brains of my DAWless system. After all these years it is still brilliant, though maybe the competition is creeping up. I’ve not found anything that can replace my OT as a mixer, sampler, mangler. If I had an OT with more input channels (say 16) and updated FX (and maybe more bars to a pattern) I’d be a happy bunny. I could be rid of my sub-mixer and just bring all my external gear into the OT Mk3.


No-one knows. Best to assume not.

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I would be a little surprised if they put out another thing called an Octatrack. I think if they made a successor they would probably want to simplify the workflow to attract customers put off by the complexity of the original. I think personally what makes sense to me (thinking from the perspective of a product designer at elektron) is a performance mixer/looper with more tracks, updated FX, but probably fewer modulation options and maybe fewer routing options. After using the Digis as well as the Octatrack, the Digis have a much more cohesive way of interacting, that leads to less confusion than the Octa. This obviously makes the octatrack more capable in a lot of ways, but a higher barrier of entry as well.

personally I don’t think so. Would be great. I just doubt it. The company has changed, the industry has changed. Everyone wants more of the same but the greats are lightning in a bottle. There is surely a reason we don’t see a monomachine 2 or an OT 3. You’d think that it would be a big deal from hanging out on the forum but all companies care about is money. I’ll bet they make a lot more money from the affordable shit so expect more of it. There’s a roger linn clip that I think probably explains how it is for a lot of companies. Obviously linn isn’t elektron but take into account that loads of people involved probably don’t even work at elektron anymore. This link should be timestamped if it worked properly

Elektron blatantly care about more than just money. They make exceptional gear, well, and with a very long support window. That takes care.

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The goal of every company is money they’re not philanthropists. They’re not your friends, they are a business. There’s nothing wrong with that. got no interest in bickering about it on a fan forum it wasn’t even the point I was making.


If all they cared about was money they wouldn’t be making music instruments. But your point is absolutely valid that companies are obligated to their investors to prioritize profitability. And I think that they are going for devices that are a bit less niche and have more broad appeal. It is understandable, because if you are going to do all the work to make an electronic device in the current environment you kinda need to make sure you are going to sell enough units. And synths/music instruments are very niche.


It’d be dope of they did. Lots of people like me would lose their sh.t!

YouTube would crash :laughing:


What’s wrong with OT2?

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Nothing has changed since the last thread on this topic:

And not really since the one before that, except for the syntakt:


Still relevant:


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Is there a successor to the OT in the pipe

More likely a successor to the Pipe in the OT.