Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Of course it would, and they’d still sell a ton of them

Latest Akai Force update made my OT3 interest fade away.

A sale on Mk2 Octas? Where?

Prices look about the same as they have been for a while, I’m looking in the wrong places?

I agree, it’ll probably be called the ‘Octatrack 2’

What did it do?

No idea what prices have been, but my local shop is advertising 20% off.

404, error, Octatrack MKIII not found


May you go into details?

Just for this weekend. I may buy one just to have a spare

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Proper resampling, bunch of effects, scene capture, track reordering, probability (not mentioning Ableton import/export, fancy screen and huge disk space)…


Thats a really good observation. I have noticed a lot of these Influencers did just get Octatracks and made videos on them. And with the price drop, sounds like they are ditching invetory to make room. I so so so hope this is coming. Elektron could make the best sampler on the planet and I hope they do. if OT sounded better to me and had OB it would still be my favorite piece of gear but I cant wait for their next sampler. If the Rytm had better resolution on sample scrubbing and an SD card slot id be happy but bring on the new!


Wow, they finally added resampling to he force? And track re-ordering? I was baffled there was no easy way to record from one track to another when I had it and not being able to move tracks was just silly. The Force is a dope machine. I would still have it if Elektron did not corrupt my expectations for what a sequencer can do. And OB, every modern machine should have something like it. Surprised Akai has not done this for the MPC and Force. My MPC’s dont get much love anymore thanks to Elektron. Glad Akai is still pouring time into the Force.

All the places I just checked are having a sale… Perfect circuit, Sweetwater, etc.

Optimist in me wants this recent hype to be for a potential firmware update. Maybe I just don’t see the reason for Elektron to be pushing the MK2 with influencers if something new is around the corner. That’s if they’re even really pushing it, or if it’s just a coincidence.

Realist says it’s just a bunch of coincidences, the OT is amazing, does so much and maybe is just finding some ‘mainstream’ appeal.

Pessimist says MK3 or OT2 comes out tomorrow and my MK2 spontaneously combusts.


Thats Me Jason Sudeikis GIF by Saturday Night Live.gif

I wouldn’t think a firmware update would need all the hype and discounts pre-release. A nice firmware update probably sells more devices as is. What would totally stagnate their sales and be a reason for getting all mkIIs sold pre-release is a mkIII. But this is just the optimist in me talking.

Look what I just found at the Elektron booth at Synthplex!

(It’s just a $25 radio receiver with a sticker on the back. They’re using it as input to an Octatrack.)


The Digi’s were on sale right before the recent firmware update.

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Some gasoline from a neighbour thread :stuck_out_tongue:

… such a great song …


They couldn’t very well leave a mkIII laying around or people would figure it out. Thus they’ve clearly disguised its innards in a portable tape deck. They’re passing it off as a source to “sample from” when in fact it’s providing the entire functionality of the empty mkII it’s plugged in to.

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