Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

The lack of software updates for new mk II generation OT grey and black buyers is a clear indication …

development is devoted to ‘sOmeThing’ in the pipeline …

Octatrack Field incoming !!!

But please make it in the original Octatrack sized box. please please please


The idea for me is to benefit from OT scenes (up to 250 assignable parameters !) and external gear control at the same time, but of course you may want to have something independent…

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A lack of software updates? On average which Elektron box still in production got the least amount of software updates in its lifetime so far? Analog Heat maybe?

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Did you miss 1.40A ?

For me it was a huge update ! (As an MKI user I was also happy with trig conditions brought with MKII release).

I was in the beta tester group, and they said it wouldn’t be the last one. Time will tell.


Yeah no I totally agree, ideally the OT scenes is what I really want, call this a half way workaround

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1.40 was a huge update and I didn’t even get the chance to try it! Really impressive that they managed to squeeze the new features/improvement in that “ancient” hardware.


Just a simple thing : Multiple trig selection! Feels weird to think about before…


just to add a little fuel here, Octatrack mk2 is currently on sale at US authorized sellers, while none of the other Elektron devices are.

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So were other boxes during the end of summer time.
The cheaper, the sooner for total Octatrack MK1 MK2 MK3 world domination “into infinity”.

New octatrack coming!

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huge if true

I think Octatrack is the only currently manufactured Elektron device that supports neither Overbridge nor class-compliant audio (I think the Model: boxes support the latter). Moreover, CF cards are being taken over by SD cards. So an Octatrack MK3 is a logical next step.


A new box that’s anything like an OT successor would be impossible to resist



:joy: totally off topic but any idea what episode that’s from?


haha you’re lucky I’m a next generation guy I remembered enough about it to track it down :joy: Where Silence Has Lease - Wikipedia


Based off what?

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I’d rather they kept the form factor as it is.

Badum tish



Cheers - I loved the show as a kid. Regular dinner time viewing when it hit the UK. Actually remember my Dad being incredibly excited about the show . Anyway, just couldn’t place that scene but glad you could remember even if just for getting to see what Nagilum looked like in that wiki leak :rofl:

Anyway, back to OT chat all - apologies for the (essential) side convo


Why do people think there is a new Octatrack coming? Because of promotions to boost sales during a slow time for electronics? It’s wishful thinking my friends, If anything I would be looking for Octatrack 2 or some other device that replaces it entirely and that’s not around the corner, not while Octatrack’s still sell so well. Elektron hired Rust engineers a few years ago for their new machines they have in the works but it takes a long time to create a new ecosystem. I think Syntone will be a thing before anything in the Octatrack realm see’s light. I am hopeful for an OS update for the OT though, I don’t think they have forgotten about us. Fingers crossed for pattern mutes, threshold recording, reworked pickup machines, track mutes that only mute trigs, and updated FX. I honestly don’t think I’ll see any of that but I would be OVER THE MOON if they even hit one of those.