Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

…because they just started employing Ricky Tinez ! Why else would they give him a job right now unless there was something new and significant for him to promote? I’m guessing he’s currently filming the support video’s and getting his socials together ready for the launch.

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They hired Ricky because he was the best pick for the job. I would think of him as more of a replacement for Cenk, aka Dataline (I love you Cenk). A very similar position to what he was doing previously at Novation.

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Sure - but my point is why hire him now - if they needed a general purpose demo guy they would have had him all over the Syntakt launch - plus he’s a really strong Octatrack advocate. There’s been a very long gap in front line demo artists at Elektron - they never do things randomly.

I don’t think hiring Ricky has anything to do with product launches or the Octatrack but that’s just me, I don’t want to stomp on dreams. I want a new OT too!


I wonder if the reason they hired Ricky is because he’s an MPC 4000 officando and they want his input on an Elektron’s take on an mpc that they are planning to put out?

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Well now I’m actually salivating.

They would hire an internet persona like Rick because he has an internet following. Nothing more really. These days having an internet following is similar to a beefed up resume. Seeing how big “synthfluencers” are in driving market sales these days, it’s really no surprise. Pretty lame if you ask me


This feature alone would count as a MK3 to me :joy:


Octatrack MK3
It’s coming sometime, maybe

We need a octatakt a digitakt firmware upgrade with octatrack features :slight_smile:

I think there will be an Octatrack MK3 one day simple because all companies need a “Halo” product, regardless of the industry. Lexus has their LFA, NVDIA has their X090Ti GPUs and Elektron has their “Octatrack” line. Even if it ends up being the least sold product (not saying it’s the case for the Octatrack), it’s basically endless (and somewhat free) marketing that comes from endless videos and discussions years down the line for the company. I mean, just think of the number of “Octatrack vs x” videos or “should I get an Octatrack or x” or the “Why the Octatrack is better than ‘insert new product’”. Its not a matter of if but when. Sure its clear to see Elektron is starting to drift away from their “big boxes” but I really doubt they will abandon the concept of a “halo” product.

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An Octatrack Mk3 obviously already exists in a parallel universe, the real question is which will come first… getting a Mk3 from Elektron in this universe, or humankind developing the required tech to retrieve a Mk3 from another.

Also, Cross Fader seems like a cool job title for someone who travels between parallel universes/dimensions as their 9-5.


The Octatrack is a CIA Psy-op confirmed???


honestly all i need from ot mk3 is the ability to pitch samples up/down more than a mere octave


It’s absolutely ridiculous that Octatrack has just one octave range of pitch shift.


I’m not feeling it, needs more CAPITALS.


You can resample and Pitch down unlimited :slight_smile:


No… No hope

Yes, but it is not practical as is.
Same pitch range as DT would be great.

For me the best workaround is to prepare sample chains. 64 slices = 5 octaves and 3 semitones.
I have a few sample chains of single cycles prepared this way.

I also tried with a midi processor to combine RATE and PITCH, you get 7 octaves down and 1 up.


It would never happen in this day and age, but imagine an Octatrack MKIII with increased RAM and an upgrade path for earlier models, where you could send it in and have a RAM upgrade installed.

Like how when the Akai S950 came out, S900 owners could buy an upgrade kit that would convert their 900 into a 950.