Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Nice, i usually have multiple Flex-machines set up to record one through-machine with an input.
Flex 1 samples and loops the input of the thrumachine (1bar behind), but is pitched pitched one octave down. Flex 2 samples Flex 1 and is pitched down another octave.
Having all this set-up in my Preset-Project i can just hit record and sample everything into it and of course play around with the pitch etc…
Also: i have some scenes prepared to mix all three sources (thru+flex1+flex2). This way you can even achieve some sort of polyphony:)

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Somebody get this guy on the case


4 parts or 4 kits, you’ll still have ABCD when it comes to channels of audio.

Recent upload on the topic (albeit factual conspiracy, not fiction)-


I usually use a Recorder + Flex instead of Thru, with rec trigs every 2 steps. That way you can pitch down directly selected steps, up to 7 octaves down.

You can also pitch up octave up constantly using 2 recorders and a Flex, or pitch several octaves up with a recorder set to record its already pitched up recording, like a pitch delay…

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The Octatrack is the anti Enigma Machine: created to produce good vibration.


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Did Elektron stop supporting Octatrack? Perhaps an MK3 is on the way?

Why do think they stopped support?


They recently sent a bug correction to an Elektronaut user…


I just bought one. It’s amazing, and I couldn’t care less whether mkiii is coming.

In fact, I regret delaying the purchase because of vague worries that something better might come along.





You can use rate to get additional octaves down, set rate to pitch

32 is- 1 octave
16 is -2
8 is -3
4 is -4
2 is -5
1 is -6


Come on mk3 isn’t asking enough. We want an MK4 !


Pfft, I hear Mark 5 is going to finally remove Song Mode. I’m waiting for that.


I have it on good authority project EmKayEyeEyeEye is well underway.


yeah with OB support and CV control would be a dream box and update screen to OLED yellow or red display would be ace and some cool new features.

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Whenever a Mk3 does come out I just really hope it has sidechain audio source selection for the LFOs, so a kick or whatever on one track could cause all kinds of crazy swirling in other tracks’ samples for example. Would be such an immensely powerful and fun feature to have.


Side chaining is really the biggest missing feature with elektron’s current lineup to me. I end up going to modular to get all the tracks affecting each other, like when the bass drum hits it lowers the cutoff of the bass voice. I would love to trigger LFOs with other tracks or even just have a compressor with separate analysis and audio inputs. But what I would really love is to be able to use the built in envelopes between different tracks and parameters.

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So funny that Elektron themselves can’t make a better machine than they did more than 10 years ago …


Did one of their older machines have sidechaining? I’m not so familiar with them.