Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Overbridge is my preferred method of making patches on the A4. It’s not a hard to use synth at all, but there are parameters and toggles that are on different pages or submenus. When it’s all on one screen it is easier.
Similarly there are some things that are relatively easy to do, but not so ergonomic so to speak on the OT.
That said, I really only care about Overbridge when I have my full studio set up with my DAW, converters, outboard and every single synth I own plugged in. In that scenario OB makes it easy to jump to a single synth and tweak some parameters without getting out of my chair and leaving the mix position.
Right now it doesn’t matter so much as I’m mostly just using it on my lap, with really bad posture.


Yeah, I get it. Some people like Overbridge. I just don’t see that as a mk3 addition, because it’s more of a redesign.


Sure. Same possibilities dawless ?
Not sure.

I don’t touch the VST plugins personally, but being able to stream multitrack USB audio in and out of OT would slap.


When I say overbridge, that’s what I mean; I don’t care about the plug


Does the DT 1.5 update change the speculation?

I’m so fucking bored of speculation.

I’ll say it one more time.

Who gives a fuck.


Honestly, yeah - I’d almost prefer simple class compliant usb audio on the OT over overbridge. The OT does too many things for me to want to futz around with a UI or anything. If I could just plug and play, splice into each track and record into a DAW? Perfect imo.


The OT MK3 Ghost. I understand why people who are still very attached to their DAW and its workflow want OB. For what? 6 years now? To me the OT is our Hodor, holding on from becoming another remote control, a weaker version of a Maschine+ or Akai Renaissance, forever attached to a Windows or Mac OS box :robot:



that was that then…
With the latest mindblowing DT update, if you superglue your DT to an OT then you have an OT mkIII.
Elektron (in collab with TE design bureau) will soon be stocking beautifully packaged but extremely expensive industry grade superglue tubes in the online store. A huge glossy marketing campaign and a few ‘sticky’ teasers will kick the whole thing off.
The really great thing about all this is that ‘you’ get to decide if your a lefty or a righty DT’r.


LOL. Good one.

the important question that Elektron might be asking themselves going forward in this era is not whether there will be a new flagship, there will be unless they go out of business, but the question is how to give it the power of it’s legacy while incorporating everything that they’ve learned over the years that led them to the magical workflows of the Digitakt and the Model Series, and these aren’t the kind of evolutionary workflows that you just throw away going forward… the way they’ve been able to make people feel while working with the Digi and Model series is major, and all about the workflow sooo whatever is going to be the next flagship isn’t going to be about anything convoluted realistically or perceptively imho. … I hope they’ll unlock the power of the octatrack and combine that with the workflow improvements they’ve mastered now in the Digi and Model series. I hope the era of esoterica is over.


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The Octatrack is such a special machine that it really deserves to have further continuity IMO. Live sampling/resampling will always have so much utility for music making as well as all the other wonderful features it has.


I would buy an Elektron Esoterica MK1

They (Elektron) won’t even unlock the use of RGB leds on the MK2 due to MK1?

AND that update is available publicly on their website too.

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Same here. I like my Virus, Rytm and Oberheim trio a lot. In studio these work well with Hapax to clock and sequence together. But lately I’m finding that I can do everything just on one piece of gear in many cases. Rytm or Virus can play shows and remain portable for me. The Moog and Oberheim are too big for travel.

people who seek justification to not make music with the gear at hand?