Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?


Maybe there will be an Octratrack


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Yep. Silent Release. :content:

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Cool now I have an OT MKIII with overbrigde and an MD MKIII with all Syntakt machines…


That is a thing of beauty :wink:

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The display looks cool.


Well, whatever their working on, that is for sure that they are. I was looking into the main CPU on the OT and they stopped production of it in 2021. So whenever Elektron are done producing off their remaining inventory it’ll be officially out. I just hope whatever it is that it’s not like the Moog One, too expensive for mere mortals to purchase. If that’s the case maybe one day I’ll just randomly buy a Syntakt. Then I can have the OT ST power couple as my hot glued mk3

@sezare56 Is that yours? I always thought when I briefly had the OT & DT it was like musical Voltron. One master unit & then connect it to a secondary. I would love to have the Syntakt to go with my OT. Even though it’s not as feature rich as the MD I’d say it’s good modern take with everything it has going on.

@Iyhraam You could use the rate knob and sample it at a much lower pitch, but yeah it is just playing the sample slower.

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You’re right! I like speculation tho. It’s one of my bad qualities.

You’re in good company on here.


Yep. MD MKI and ST, oldest and newest of the line (skipping Sid Station).


I think a big AR sized Digitakt styled OT with 4x4 pads and crossfader would be amazing. 16 channels of stereo audio with two more input pairs, updated FX and time stretch. Something to takeover as the sampler flag ship, spare no expense.


crossfader on the left though

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front left

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I’m waiting for an OT3 or another (4th) OT2 with new updates OR my Cirklon (1.5 more years). Whichever comes first!

I like plenty of theocraticals, but i try to keep them to my creative ideas notebook :stuck_out_tongue:

People can have fun however they find heathy, new product speculation when announced/leaked can be fun, this whole… fanfic(?) aspect of the perfect product that must/should occur seems to trigger my GAS-awareness, in that it seems to react to similar dopamine generation of obsessing about a new product, but somehow even more ungrounded from reality.

If that makes sense.

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Thanks for sharing and reading a whole thread of speculation :grinning:

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Some kind of octatrack revamp is bound to come, especially after after the loopcloud thing.

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I can’t read.

Because I’m a dog.