Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Is this the OT MK3? :robot:


omg that is the whackest thing I’ve ever seen on an Mpc, I can’t wait to get it!!

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That’s giving me strong Casio Rapman vibe.


Very close to buying an octatrack mk2.

What are the chances that Elektron would surprise release an octatrack mk3 (or equivalent) at superbooth this May?

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That possibly seems positive :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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:8ball: says :zero:

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They’re apparently still hiring people to develop the new platform that future products will be released on. Seems likely that they would want their next flagship sampler to be a part of that lineup for convenience of porting features between devices and long term compatibility. Which makes me think that OTMK3 or whatever it will be called is still being developed. But who knows, maybe it’s done. Seems unlikely that it would be this soon, end of year at earliest is my guess

I would get MK2 and sell it if there’s a “3” that you prefer. Everything Elektron has discontinued has at least doubled in price and become desirable for its retro weirdness, so there’s nothing to lose.


I think they wouldn’t have improved Digitakt this way recently if a new sampler was planned soon.


No Octatrack mk3
Buy 2 and have fun


My total guess based on nothing is that it’s probably at least two years out. I’m very happy for them to take their time and release something that’s really polished and powerful. I think the Dynamic Performance Sampler concept is important for music.


i dont think mk3 but some ideas inspired by OT regarding it’s live looping capabilities stream lined into a digi sized box. maybe like 4-6 channel looper with separate level encoders per track. this would be very cool and challenge the live looper department where i mostly see roland


I got the sense that they were adding value to Digitakt, etc. to stay in line with the price increases. Not that this would be mutually exclusive to anything. There’s still a whole lot going on in OT that isn’t and will very likely never be in DT. We’re still very much in this chip shortage and it would be tough to commit to some CPU architecture today that they very well could be supporting and adding onto for 10+ years. I would be very surprised to see anything for at least a year.

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Yes. Coming from Roland / Akai sequencers and Boss loopers, once I understood OT potential it blowed my mind with all sequenced recorders, possibilityto play buffer directly with plocked Flex playback.:exploding_head:

Possible with DAWs, several machines linked, but I don’t know machines doing that standalone, apart from Machinedrum of course (more limited, but predecessor).


An MK3 would be a first for elektron correct?
My guess is they’ll offer something new over versioning up the OT.

They are bound to have some ideas in the works. The OT is such and amazing but seasoned device.

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Not sure about the translation in French…could you find other words ? Meaning old ?

Yes, no MKIII yes.

Bug corrections, RLEN up to 1024 steps, keeping Trig modes at start up and I’m fine with my MKI…

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Yep, just older ideas, workflow, technology etc.

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