Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Definitely part of older generation; I think new one start from Analog Four.
But OT benefited from some newer generation stuff.

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That’s why I used seasoned. Kind of like says it’s old, but seen a lot of action. Definitely got updates from new things as well.
Conditional Trigs make all their devices a real pleasure to work with.


And multiple trig selection !
Not impressive, but it added a lot of comfort. :content:


i’m holding out for th MKIV

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I hear they are working tirelessly to reinvent stereo sampling, given how that tech has been lost to time.


Didn’t they decide the best way forward was 2 digitakts panned hard?


I think it’s just 2 OTs, sans panning

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QuadraTrack:LEFT and QuadraTrack:RIGHT


If they make the exact same OT but with the ability to move rate in both directions, they get all my money.


If There is a MKIII, i hope we’ll found direct output for each track. This is all i ask. Being able to use different reverb, delay, compressor or channel strip for each track and Record everything with the soundcard of your choice. Overbridge is just barely ok for me when you have already spend money on soundcard…


Would you rather have all individual outs on the current octa box but with mini 1/8” midi jacks? Or a bigger box? I was under the impression 8 outs won’t fit with the midi jacks

8 stereo ins and outs with small jacks in same sized box please. Thank you.

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This is the dream and it could theoretically keep even the larger jacks:

  • Remove the CF card slot for a SD slot on the side
  • Cram the USB port, DC in and power button on the top right as much as possible
  • Move the MIDI ports to the space left from all of that
  • Add another 4 pairs of INs/OUTs.



Octatrack meets Rytm/Machinedrum/Digitone, with both pads and faders.
The MPC killer! :skull:


To be honest I don´t understand why something like this does not exist from Elektron for real. A sturdy Hardware Box, a mix of an Octatrack and a Rytm that has Wlan and that can be customised with machines of your liking. Make it a sampler, or put drum machines on it or a Digitone core. As long as there is processing power do with it whatever you like. All those machines function with their sequencer in the same style so put it on there. Sell those stuff in a Machine Shop next to the sample packs and become bloody rich. Every now and then update the hardware and make money there. I don´t get it, would be awesome. 8 Tracks, if you need more, buy a second one.


I’d rather see them take the route that the original Performance Sampler did:

Keep the same, limited IO onboard but also include a port that could attach to a breakout box with a full set of individual outputs for those who actually needed them. That way the majority of users who don’t actually need direct outs aren’t paying for the extra hardware (since the DACs and supporting electronics are all in the breakout box), and it wouldn’t need any compromises in form factor or MIDI connectivity, it could still have fully balanced audio without needing to make room for 16 output jacks, and the actual connecttion to the breakout box could be a simple USB port that could also be used for overbridge - the breakout box would essentially be a USB host and audio interface running an embedded, GUI-less version of Overbridge.

For people who play live regularly but also need flexible i/o for producing, the breakout box could stay in studio and the only thing you would need to do to take the OT out would be unplug the MIDI connectors and USB (and if the breakout box had its own MIDI ports onboard, then you really COULD simply unplug a USB cable and the power supply and be ready to go). It would be like a laptop dock, but for the Octatrack MKIII.


A simple tuner for external input would be very handy. Because of the nature of the OT, I honestly find it to be a strange omission and I don’t think it’s such a heavy thing. But anyway.

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maybe next year :frowning_face:

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I’m curious if anyone has actually done this as a stereo sample workaround lol

Dreaming, after spending a bit of time with the Octatrack…

USB in x2 (connect a couple of other Elektron devices and freely assign their individual tracks to OT tracks).

USB audio out.

SD card, with no need for Static tracks any more.

EQ, Filter, Delay, Reverb available on all tracks by default, with one or two additional effects selectable.

Global mixer option, per Bank, would be nice to have.