Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

A usb host port with querty keyboard support would be really tight. I have a mini keyboard plugged into my Isla S2400, which really makes it the ultimate sample librarian. Tedious naming really interferes with that process.


quick thing to point out: sd card bandwidth is not super suitable to play 8x streams of stereo samples, especially if you’re playing it in higher rate/pitched up. (1 octave up = 2x bandwidth per sample)

e.g: DT loads samples from +drive to memory, that’s why it has a wider pitch range. while flex tracks on OT are also played from memory, i believe they omitted higher pitch range for feature parity with static tracks.

P.S: this is also why certain brands of sd cards are recommended for M8. you need very good random read capability to handle what i mentioned abive without choking.


Ah, point taken! A big chunk of RAM was the other thought.

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I thought the better ones finally caught up to CF a few years back, but maybe continuous data streams are still an issue or something.

Maybe CFast will become affordable enough to become a general purpose thing and we can get a video octatrack.

doesn’t the deluge stream samples?

Unfortunately they don’t have the bandwidth required - I think an +Drive would make sense though I’m not sure how many people remove the media anyways.

Having a dedicated mixer/master with an EQ and Filter I like, without having to sacrifice a track (as much as that flexibility is a nice design approach). I’d make it analog too which I think is a bit like how the SP-16 works?

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Skip the CF card and add Overbridge, better FX, 4 stereo/8 mono inputs, pre amp plus a big phat manual for dummies. Do that and take my money.


True, a decent +Drive is a good option too. Less to go wrong on this imaginary device!

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My dream for an overbridge box would be to have OT style scenes but over all the parameters in all the boxes at once.

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I see this crop up a lot as a request - how do folks imagine it would work on an OT? Wouldn’t multitrack defeat some of the purpose of a performance mixer? I’m genuinely intrigued. I guess if you don’t use a master track it could work - although it would need to support 8 stereo tracks (rather than mono tracks like the other devices), so it would need a lot more bandwidth than currently supported by any other OB integration, I wonder if it’s even possible.

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So I am imagining it as a totally new device, not necessarily an OT mk3. I was envisioning it as allowing you to choose to mix a certain number of these inputs together in a track, like how thru tracks on the OT can select freely from the inputs. Maybe in interface a little like selecting the tracks to go to the FX block on the syntakt.

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Yea I could see that - so you wouldn’t be multi-tracking in a traditional sense, but more like merging tracks into lanes that could be picked up by OB. It wouldn’t be for me but I could see how that could work. In some ways OT is better set up for what I would want from OB, theoretically, as the effects are on a per track basis, so you wouldn’t have to sacrifice what I consider an important part of how they work (like on the DT for example, where multitracking means you lose all the effects and panning)

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Yeah, I have been taking the digi’s into the modular and then back to the Octatrack, and initially I was hard panning things to get 4 individual mono tracks, but losing the ability to use the built in send effects sucked, so now I am just doing two stereo channels into OT. But it is definitely a bit limiting. Like ideally I would have the kick on its own channel for sidechaining, but instead I am filtering down the drum mix to pull out just the bass drum. But I think 8 channels of different mixes would be enough for me to sperate what I need for OT style effects.

I feel you - it’s one of the main things that keeps me using the AR for drums, as I can grab the kick easily for my compressor. An extra pair (or 2!) of stereo ins on the OT would be amazing.

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It’s funny, I don’t really care that much about the analog sounds of the rytm, but the individual outs + performance controls + extra sequencer options (direct jump and slide trig’s mainly) it still seems super useful.

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Totally, I actually mostly use samples on mine :upside_down_face: The performance macros are a treat :ok_hand: I picked up a MKI for a great price it’s a killer machine

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It should be able to run over USB I guess but I’m not an expert on that.

What if… @Elektron does not give us more Octatrack, at all. But… what about Open Sourcing the Octatrack completely, just as Synthstrom just did with the Deluge. Imagine a baby from a Deluge and an Octatrack… designed collaboratively, and manufactured by both companies on demand

It will be released on the same day als Detox by Dr Dre.


Has there been a brain drain at Elektron to account for the lack of original ideas in recent years?

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