Wobbly volume encoder

I know there have been a few past posts about wobbly knobs for the AR, A4 and OT, but I recently bought a DK from another 'naut here and I think it might have got a bit knocked in transit.

I’ve opened a support ticket already, but does anybody know how the DK’s master volume encoder is attached to the PCB and if this wobble is likely to get worse and cause problems later?

I’ve uploaded a couple of short videos of me fiddling with my knob to imgur, here’s one of them:

Interesting. My new DK I traded for has the same issue. Did you make any headway on this?

Contacted elektron support and shipped it to them for repair. It wasn’t covered by warranty so I paid for it, but the cost was reasonable and it was returned really quickly.

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If the metal bushing can be seen moving, visibly like PofM’s was, then there is an issue with either the metal claw retaining the potentiometer’s bushing shield housing which holds it to the body of the pot, or its the stand off posts/ chassis ground contact post terminal’s solder points which attach to the board on either side. If only the shaft wobbles and the metal bushing does not, regreasing may help because there may be some play in the shaft if no grease is present, but replacement is the most complete fix in either scenario.

If you open the faceplate, you can find out the cause of the wobble rather quickly without disrupting anything, just be careful not to yank the ribbon cable too hard.

If you watch his video, you can see the metal bushing has significant play in it.

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I’ll look into it. I truly appreciate the help :raised_hands:t3: