WoFI from Kiviak Instruments

Looks awesome!

Strange how this has been out there in some form for so long ( two years ? ), and yet is now coming to general attention.

ADDED : ( Out there on Facebook and Instagram. )

I want one. My Microsampler and Lofi-12 are looking very scared right now. Might have to let them go…

Looks cool, but no sounds? It’s always concerning when reveals for musical instruments don’t let you hear what it sounds like. But the interface is charming. Sort of like an all grown up OP1

Word is the reveal is in three months, at Superbooth 23 ( May 11-13 ). They indeed are on the exhibitors list. It is also said they will ship in the fall.


I have zero idea about the pricing for this. Could be $1499 or $499, not a clue. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Hopefully not a crowdfund. This probably has venture investors and the idea will be to buy market status with great features and a reasonable price.

Could this have the sort of internet base features, i mean something very useful and powerful, to justify a subscription based interface ?


Kiviak has a teaser video up. ( Posted two days ago. ) It’s not worth watching but here’s a still from it:

They’re showing at SFF which starts in three days.

Show of Shows Thread.

They also have a series of demos on their you tube page, in a variety of musical genres.

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Nice and versatile sounds actually! (sorry, but 1.5 hour unedited live stream it’s not a nice way to present a product)

edit: I commented earlier lol, totally forgot about it. Yes, the looks and the sounds are cool. I hope the price is not in a range of “new 202X normality”

I’m guessing atleast $800 realistically. Just to make something like this at scale temper expectations…lol

We don’t know what this really is or what exactly it can do yet.

An hour and a half?!?! Just give is the goods. I will take a bullet list. I remember when Isla would put up these long rambling streams leading up to the release of the S2400, and that felt brutal. Just get to the point people.

The video i put up is 11 seconds. I summarized it with a still. The demos i linked too are a minute each or less.

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Whoops, I meant to respond to @okam post with the long video.

The demo starts at about 39 minutes.

I checked this out last week. From what I remember, it only works with one sample at a time. It has some emulations of vintage samplers. I don’t remember what all they were. It only deals with one sample at a time. There’s also a granular effect that can be applied to incoming audio. And you’ll be able to modulate the loop point when they’re finished with it.

It’s polyphonic. But right now the sequencer is monophonic. They’re still working on it. I think they said that there’s stereo sampling, as well.

The samples can be accessed via WiFi. There’s some kind of cloud management nonsense. They’ve also got proprietary cartridges, which seems like not the best idea.

My impression was that it seemed like fun but it’s not for me.


I was with you up until here and then I read a bunch of things that made me sad and unhappy. It looks cool as all hell though. I guess I’ll go 38 minutes and 30 seconds into the demo and let it roll.

wish you were out there vloggin at these events, need someone on deck asking the right questions of devs and giving the right answers to devs


TBH, nothing there sounds very unique.

If you’re referring to the part of the circuit board where the filter controls are located, it doesn’t look like there are enough components for more than one voice, so the sampler would have to be paraphonic.

Thanks for clearing that up, the thing looked interesting for a minute.

Typically cloud management dies the moment a company goes under, so that stuff better be not necessary for transferring samples. But the idea of proprietary cartridges implies that it actually might be. It also implies a blatant disregard for their customers finances. Which indicates the thing might be quite expensive. Also, why waste development time on something that is readily and cheaply available literally everywhere on the planet?

Of course, proprietary cartridges also won’t be available once the company ceases to exist. Let’s hope they make enough money with their cloud business so the synth business does not have to be viable.

+1 for the company name, though. The dish is also described as the turducken from hell.

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