World Car Free Day 2021

Make a difference.


Walking/cycling/public transport fan here!


And I think I see a Machinedrum on your profile pic : ) a person with taste!

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Most def!

Most def! :wink:

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each and every my day is car-free, so i won’t bother.

never had a car.
bicycle in summertime, subway in wintertime, trains/buses to go far.


I commute by skateboard, ill spread the word to some buddies though

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This is very cool but I read it as World Care Free Day and thought “if only we could all truly not have a care in the world for one day” lol


That would be a dope day


I’ll definitely be taking part in this, not least because I’ve spent the whole of my 35 years on this earth car-free. Actually hoping 2022 is the year I get on the road!


Haven’t had my own car for about a year.

Mostly walk, bike or use public transport, but I have use of my wife’s car if I need it, which I only do about once a week really.


This is a great initiative and a world with fewer cars would be amazing.

I like being a ‘yea but’ grouch, so imo it’s worth using days like this not just to proudly say how we cycle/walk etc or don’t own a car, but to recognise that individual choices are often informed by structural realities.

I worked for a transport charity and even there, there was a lack of awareness of realities outside of major cities - people for whom the idea ‘they can’t ‘just ride/get the bus’’ doesn’t compute. As with all advocacy/campaigning there’s a risk of alienating people, in this case people for whom driving is a necessity and a means of independence.

Re individual fixes for collective problems, of course we can make an individual difference, but we need to acknowledge that cycle lanes, bus routes etc don’t just appear by themselves. Even the renowned pro-cyclist culture of the Netherlands was the result of a big national campaign leading to significant legal and structural changes. The free market and austerity-addicted ideologies we’re victims to won’t bring about these kinds of changes.

So I’d like to take the opportunity to recommend a quick Google of things like ‘transport deserts’, where cars are the only viable option, and suggest that ‘I walk/etc’ be followed with ‘I advocate for public transport (and affordable public transport!), better cycle paths, more transport links, etc’.

Enough grumping. Ride on!


I have kids with various medical conditions that range from autism to rare, life-limiting heart conditions. Being able to be car-free would be incredible, but the fact is that it isn’t remotely practical for us thanks to the combination of:

  • where we live and the local transport network
  • how long it would take to get to all the places we need to get to (schools with specialist autism provisions, for instance)
  • children who can’t handle public transport due to overwhelming sensory issues
  • frequent medical appointments in neighbouring cities where, even if public transport was an option, there simply isn’t time to get from a school run to a hospital appointment and back in time to make the return journey of the school run


I attempt to compensate by having a 100% electric vehicle, but I’m aware that it still occupies a space on the roads, regardless of the lack of pollutants


I ride my bike almost all year round, only in very bad weather I take public transportation. Yesterday in my city for “car free day” public transport was free for everybody. Unfortunately, it was as usual, the majority chose the car and the city was very traffic jammed as always.

Yeah, the village I grew up in is about 4 miles from the nearest town and used to have an hourly bus into town. Since the early 2000’s there hasn’t been a single bus in or out of the village. We argued pretty hard with the local authority and sent a few strongly worded letters to the dept. For Transport, who really don’t give a shit.

Where I live now (large village) has a train station, with hourly trains to Leicester or Nottingham. They’ve just stopped the 8am and 5pm trains and I can’t help but feel they’ve done this so they can argue that no-one uses the service, as they’ve just got rid of the only two trains that are used in large numbers. It also means that people working office hours in the area have just lost their train to work.



I am outing myself as being a car fan…and a World car free day won´t make a big difference, as long as the ten biggest containerships pollute our air in one month as much as 750 million cars in one year!

So i am all in for a world containership free day.

Or simply put modern filter technology in those damn containerships, like every modern car has!


I used to live in the countryside when I was a kid, and went to the bigger town for working 20 km from my place with self-organized carsharing.
100 years ago, there was a working train station in my 6k inhabitant town, you would do the same ride by train.
Even 30 years ago, there were still buses in this same little town…

The car killed all this. I can see how convenient it is, but as a cyclist since my early years, I just see how easy it is to just blame the absence of organized transport to justify the use of a car.

And don’t forget Roger Rabbit’s story! You own a car because our world has been designed for it!

In Belgium, you can really easily use bike + train, it just works, and I know it because that’s what I did for 2 years.
In France, rail has disappeared from most of towns, so the path has been given to cyclist, and called “Green Path”. Very convenient.

Of course, some people need the car. I won’t blame them.
But I encourage my kids to cycle, even if it takes 1 hour where it would have taken 15 mn.

I just hate the car. I have one, but use it only when cycling is not the solution.


The cycling experience in the UK has improved, but not very much in the last decade or so.

Most cycle lanes here are still shitty blue or green lines of paint down the nearside of roads that regularly lead the inexperienced under the wheels of a truck, or they’re “shared use”, which basically means a footpath that you’re allowed to cycle on really slowly.

Also, most drivers still seem pretty unaware that you’re actually allowed to ride bikes on the road and regularly like to tell you as much, either through verbal abuse or straight up attempted murder.


Amazing film, not least because of the commentary on this fact.

I wouldn’t say Im a fan of cars, but I think youre absolutely right on more attention being paid to the shipping industry. The reason cars are even going renewable is because of how much flack they get.

Though of course it means people wont get their cheap shit from exploited locales fast enough, which is most of the reason we dont talk about this.

I totally feel this position and those of others for whom going car-free is not a viable option. Itd be great to use ‘World Free Car Day’ as a means to raise awareness and push for better transportation in these “deserts”.

I live in a European city with bike lanes and good public transportation, a far cry from the American suburbs I was raised in in which having a car is a given, a necessity, and never questioned. Havent had a car in almost 15 years. Don’t miss it one bit.


Just because something else is worse, doesn’t mean we should ignore the harm that cars do.

I agree, carbon emissions linked to the global supply and manufacturing chains necessary to accommodate our overconsumption are the real problem, but World stop overconsuming, you fat, greedy pigs day doesn’t really have the same ring to it, does it?


We need organic fair trade synths ( like fairphone but much more recycled, organic and fair), transportarion should only be with sailing ships like the one company does with cacao.
Better would be acoustic guitar, but local made, not from wood from the amazonas.