World Car Free Day 2021

Feel like we’re prolly getting well and truly off topic now so this is the last thing I’ll say on the matter.

Over here (in Australia), scientists (and public universities) are increasingly undermined and defunded by governments and corrupt bureaucrats that:

  • publicly work in the interests of propping up the mining and energy companies to the detriment of natural resources, land owners and the renewable energy sector
  • ignore or censure warnings about the increasing risk and severity of natural disasters (eg bushfires)
  • have mismanaged our major river systems to the point that they’re in serious trouble
  • retroactively pass laws in order to protect their “mates” who’ve broken environmental laws
  • pass increasingly draconian laws to shut down climate and environmental protests

I suspect there’s plenty of Australians who would actually welcome economic sanctions against our own country in the hope that it might actually achieve something.

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Some drivers are just dickheads that get off on giving people a bit of a scare. But some really do see red when a cyclist gets on “their road”. The hate is real. Gave up riding on the road several years ago because of a 4wd wanting to play games in a more rural area. Also there was a rather angry goose.

They’ve recently added a network of segregated bike paths to the Brisbane CBD roads. Looks pretty sweet.

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Turn the internet off every weekend, it would do people good.


I spent my student years and a fair whack of adulting time living in Sydney, and riding a bicycle…you have to have a very aggressive attitude to survive. I now live in Berlin, and I laugh when I hear people here say they find riding unsafe here.

But anyway. Yay for never having to sit in traffic

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We can go do burnouts together.

I see you’re familiar with modern day science in the US too.

Maybe this is the wrong place to post this but World Free Car Day 2022 is gunna be sick. We’re all meeting in space and we’re gunna drive to Mercury.

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cool idea, this probably would make some people spend their weekends like back in 90s.
but this would require some alternate means of communication, like fixed-line telephony.

You just have to show up at your mate’s house and ask if they’re allowed to play :slight_smile:

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