World Music Treasure Hunt

Yeah, I think this part of the issue. If some music is categorised as ‘world’ music, what category does the other music fit into? I do admit I would be interested in something called ‘non-world’ music though. It’s sort of a Euro/US centric way of casually lumping “everything that’s not us” into one category’

It’s a little bit like how North America calls its baseball competition ‘the world series’, but in reverse?

Edit: anyway, this is an example that both satisfifes the OP question, and exemplifies the issues.


Mostly categories that are well known enough locally to be referred to without almost everyone saying “What’s that”. It’s not an us and them thing. Samba has its own category. Afro-Cuban. I don’t see the conspiracy… It’s ease of reference. It might seem lazy to some, but I don’t think there’s a useful alternative.

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I don’t recall anyone saying it’s a conspiracy

I didn’t mean you :v:. Some of the complaints in the article.

Anyway I’m done now I promise :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


How about some Saudi metal, just to mix things up a bit?

Slovak Hip Hop. Mad Slavic flow


That’s the spirit, bud.

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I too love Tuvan throat singing. This is so deep and beautiful:

More great voices:

This is like from an other universe although it is hundreds of years old Tim Hecker made a few records with a Gagaku ensemble. Mind blowing music:

Inuit music:


Y’all bringing some fire. Holy moly. This has become a great day full of music.


I like hearing your point of view too. Thanks!

I’m loving hearing all this different music regardless of classification. Keep ‘em coming everyone.

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Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe:

Ahmad Zahir:

Traditional Austrian yodelling from the start of a Herzog film (Herz Aus Glas):

Radiooooo is worth a click, if you’re digging around. Curated “discoveries” by country, by decade and by mood (fast, slow and weird - the 3 moods).

Ghost Capital has a decent Soundcloud. I followed his blog some time ago, and he put together some nice compilations.

And as well as Éthiopiques, Sublime Frequencies and Luaka Bop put out some interesting stuff.


I’m sorry, but this is swiss, from the region of Appenzell.


A few things that spring to mind, which I’ve discovered and enjoyed over the years:


Ack, sorry! Es tut mir Leid.

No problem! Thanks for reminding me that I need to see more Herzog movies. I didn’t know he used this music for any of his films. He always had good taste in what sounds best suited his films.

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I remember back in the 80’s when Panpipes became very popular. That put world music on the map somewhat.

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Future Cumbia from excellent Ecuadorian Nicola Cruz


Yamasuki, Japan


What a trip.