Would a DIY + Drive be Possible?

Hi All

Just wondering how feasible it would be to create a DIY +Drive for the MachineDrum. Has anyone done or attempted this?

I have an SPS1 MK1 and SPS1-UW MK2 but no +Drive in either as I missed the boat when Elektron were selling them.

Would it be difficult to replicate one if you knew the PCB layout and the components used? Does anyone have any hi-res images of a +Drive they can share? I’ve had a look online but cant seem to find anything that is detailed enough to identify the different components.


Some info in that thread for a start.



Thanks Thomas

Already seen that thread but all the links are dead and it’s geared more toward DIY installation of an already existing +Drive. Its quite an old thread anyway so thought that, given how pricey these are 2nd hand now, that someone might’ve tried to do something since then.

Really annoyed at myself for missing the boat when Elektron were selling them. I’d convinced myself that they stopped selling them years ago rather than last year when they actually stopped. Turns out I was getting confused with the service they offered for upgrading MK1 units to MK2 which they did stop years ago.

Surprised that no one has attempted to do re-create them though given how awesome these machines are and the 2nd wind the devices have now there is ongoing (unofficial) firmware development.

If anyone is able to send me hi-res photos of either side of a +Drive I’d appreciate it. Very limited experience with electronics (built quite a few modular modules and repaired a few synths) but I figure it cant be that difficult to do if I have the required info!


I thought elektron still updated the mk2’s unless they changed that in the last year or so? I might have just slid in at the last minute. Ill take pics of the pcb i got, i love a good reverse engineering project.

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Hi Orion

Discontinued according to this KB article from Jan :frowning:

If you could that would be awesome! If you could also provide PCB dimensions that would be great!


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I would email elektron from your account to confirm/double check that. They are literally the nicest tech support ever so maybe they have some extra. Ill report back with pictures when i get a chance.


Here ya go. Looks like a hynix h26m2100dar and a 74hc86d are the main chips. Have no idea how or with what youd flash the e nand but im def curious.


Could it be done by the machine itself? I’ve got no idea how this level of digital electronics works, but would that be the initialisation it does on first boot?

Oh yeah i think they flash the drive and the unit together.

Peep Machinedrum Guts - #13 by Discom

Thanks Orion that’s awesome. Wasn’t expecting the photos so quickly so thanks for that.

I raised a support ticket with Elektron on Sunday but not had anything back yet. I asked if they had any left and also if they would be prepared to release information so that the Elektron community could start to build these. I expect the answer to be no to both questions to be honest.

The NAND chips are quite old now but I’ve managed to find somewhere that has stock.

Problem is, I was hoping that the photos would give me enough information to proceed but they don’t so I think the only way to get this done would be to have a +Drive in my possession.

If anyone knows of one being sold then I’d appreciate letting me know!

Like i said, i love a good reverse engineering project, i once did so with some photos so i empathize with you.

I also did a quick search for those nands and it looks like they are hard to come by so if you found some might be worth snagging them (its probably why they are not making them anymore). Did you happen to find a datasheet sheet for them? Im looking for the pinout diagram cause it looks like the nand pins are connected to the resistor and capacitors with via holes.

Ive never been able to desolder a bga (ball grid array) without destroying the pcb otherwise id take mine apart. Are you able to do so?

Either way i would probably chip in (bad dad pun) for you to get ur hands on a +drive. Seems like this would be a great service to this community if elektron is no longer making them.

I spent a while looking for a datasheet but couldn’t find one unfortunately. Found one for a later model Hynix NAND chip though but obviously cant use that. Rather annoyingly Hynix don’t have anything on their website - only seems to be datasheets for their current products which I suppose is understandable. I’ve raised a support ticket with them so we’ll see if that bears fruit!

Absolutely no experience with BGA but I have a hot air gun for some SMD work I’ve performed in the past and seen a youtube video of someone replacing a BGA chip so think I will be fine.

Thanks for the offer of chipping in but it’s finding one in the first place that’s the issue! TBH I think I’m going to have to buy a machinedrum that already has a +Drive in order to get my hands on one and then just sell it once I’m done. That isn’t going to happen for a few months though as have quite a lot of expenditure coming up in the next month or so.

Do you know if the +Drive is the same across all models of Machinedrums and Monomachines? If so I’d be tempted to buy quite a few of the NAND chips so I can make a few and sell them. Wonder if there would be much demand for them.

Check that thread, someone took a monomachine +drive and put it in a machinedrum successfully. Not sure if elektron did board revisions tho.

Wondering out loud what ram sticks used that version of nand.

Found this nand being used on this thing Dell PowerEdge M610 Riser Board 0T00R Tested Warranty | eBay

Still doesnt give you a datasheet or pinout but its a start.

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for what it’s worth, if i super impose my photos of the +drive im able to get a general idea of where the pinouts are on the nand.