Would I still need my Typhon Dreadbox if I get a Syntakt?


I have a small DAWless setup consisting of a DT, DN, Microcosm, Bluebox1010 mixer and the Typhon Dreadbox. I’m going to purchase the Syntakt at some point soon after seeing what it can do and I love the Elektron sequencer and way. I don’t use the Typhon Dreadbox as much as I should and wondered if it’s worth selling once I get the Syntakt due to some overlap.


…typon is greek unique…syntakt is totally different…but if u don’t use it that much, sure u won’t miss it, once u even got ur third swedish sequencing device…

all three swedish digis can do it all…

FX on the Typhon are far superior. I’d keep it just for audio input + FX alone.


That’s probably your answer, but ask yourself, “why did I get this in the first place?” and try to remember that reason. If it was purely impulse and unless there’s something ‘special’ about it you can see yourself missing, then you should probably let it go. Maybe there’s something better you can do with the money, but none of us know your overall situation. All that said, it’s a fantastic sounding device though, so hanging onto it isn’t the worst decision.

The combination you’ve built of a DT, DN and Syntakt is undoubtably very capable, and you shouldn’t feel like you’re missing out on something else. At least in my case, I’d certainly be the weakest link with that setup.

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This. The Typhon is a killer FX unit for other (mono) synths!


I don’t use it enough, but I’ll keep it ! Sounds different from Elektron analogs (I sold A4 and AR MKI). Just wait to compare.

And yes, great fx (I particularly like distortions and reverb, waiting for dotted values for delay to eventually it, but I may prefer ST delay with an lfo on Width).


I’m all about the cloud effect on the Typhon. I put it on everything… basses, leads, pads… toast… You name it!

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Interesting, how do you use it as FX device?

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Use 3.5mm into the port marked in. Then there’s a ‘preset’ called EXT in or something.

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Interesting I guess I could use it as a send effects box from my Bluebox