X-mas wishlist (Santa please read This)

Here is My wishlist for X-mas 2014


Koma Elektronik RH301

Koma Elektronik BD101

Koma Elektronik FH201

Doepfer Dark Energy 2

Dopfer Dark Time with Blue LED

Moog Minitaur

Dreadbox Erebus

And last but not least…Overbridge :slight_smile:

This would be a nice semimodular setup and maybe get me in to modular to X-mas 2015 :joy:

All this would be awesome to see under the x-mas tree but writing This mainly to vent my GAS :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

How does your wishlist list / gearlust look like? …interesting to see what people are in to :wink:

I’m on a strict something new means something old has to go routine at the moment so my list is short.

Nord drum2 with the drum pads
Hypersynth Xenophone
Possibly a Rythym Lab.

black minitaur with wood ends to sit next to my AK

only one x-mas tree right? mmm… :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The only thing I really want from Santa is a Bass Station II. But since I’m just getting coal, I’ll have to pony up the funds for that one myself.

There’s plenty of things I’d like to have in my studio, but you can’t gift wrap time or inspiration, and I need that more than more stuff. Plus, the Octatrack has killed most of my GAS, since it gives new life to all the toys I already have.

For my x-mas tree i wont get any stuff…decided to get rid of stuff instead. Gonna sell My Pioneer CDJ2000 players and my A&H Xone DB4 to get money for a Octatrack and a audio interface…hard decision to make but the stuff just gattering dust at the moment :smiley:

dear santa … thanks for last year, A4, MD and then the belated MM and OT (shortly the AR, which I sold, still thanks …) … now I do have all these toys, can you please give me skills now ? … I d really like to be able to do melodies and actually understand what I do … to be honest, I am just pressing keys and turning knobs like a child and feel like a mix of a scientist and a musician … anyways, also give the poor people some synth, and dont forget feed your elks, wax your sled and say hi to jesus !