Xone 96 Mixer

Yes, this is how it’s supposed to work. When nothing is cued, the main mix goes to the headphones. Works the same way on my Xone PX5.

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Ahhh. I thought I was going crazy. Thanks :blush:


I have a xone 92 that I feed my drum machine and synth in to. I want to see how it sounds if I crank the gain on the drum machine channel. Is this safe to do without damaging anything? Can you crank it too far?

Pretty safe

Sorry , dumb question but can’t find it clearly stated . Can you record direct out of the 96 via usb straight into a daw ? Is this the full master out or pre sends / filters etc . Basically looking to use the 96 sound card to replace my old Traktor 10 interface to save some space on my desk

Yes you can. 6 stereo outs/ins.

Channels 1-4 (1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8) normal as they send to pc what is plugged into jack on back.

The last 2 stereo sends to pc are either

send 1 and send 2 or
send 1 and master.

Theres a table in the Xone96 manual showing you the routings for in and out.

Page 23.

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Thanks very much , appreciated

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Hi, I’m looking for some assistance on using an iPad Pro with MiRack on the xone 96. I followed a link to this page, but there are so many posts I’ve lost myself!

Can this work and how would the wiring work with USB C (I tried it directly in to the back but I think I need another external sound source). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Can anyone comment on how the filter crunch sounds? in particular for use on one element rather than a full track.

I like it on my delay and reverb tails. Makes it stand out more crisp in a mix. I don’t like it on drums but I do on some synths and basses.

I have my h9 and space returns on channels A and B permanently routed to filter 1 with a heavy dose of crunch.

I’ve been considering it for a while now, but it still wasn’t really available until now(except in the UK). I think in the past few weeks I started to get comfortable with the asking price of 1800€(although it’s still a big amount of money), just to find out that since it’s available again at thomann, it now costs 2000€! :astonished: :roll_eyes:

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So glad I got mine when I did… that pushing into competition with the Model One at that price.
I considered the Model One, but glad I went for the Xone 96… it’s been rock solid and a joy to use.

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Oof those prices are getting ridiculous…

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Yeah it really sucks. I decided to use a xone 96 for a new setup as I can put it on my rider so I don’t have to bring a mixer to gigs. But yeah… Skyrocket prices. I actually asked Thomann if they can at the very least meet the price of competitors. Probably will be possible. But 1899 is still ridiculous.

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Out of curiosity, what are you going to use to replace the effects/sampler of your db4?

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Blackbox as a looper+, and Ventris dual reverb. And a to be determined delay. Maybe microcosm as I already have that.


I’ve always wondered how people use this (or other kind of similar loopers). Will you put the Blackbox on a send of your mixer, is that how you choose sources for the looper? (And will you use a crossfader on your mixer to switch between the two, or use the auto mute function of the Blackbox after it launches a loop?)


You need to switch yeah. That’s definitely a thing I’ll be missing from the db4 where you just press loop and it takes over.

In the new situation I’ll be using the headphone cue. That way I can set the correct level once (headphone level) and simply press cue on channels to send them to the blackbox. As opposed to using the sends where you’d have to aim for a specific level value.

One of the outs of bb to which the loop is routed will return to channel A. I think most of the time the channel fader will be up as I’ll be controlling pad volume with a midi controller for the 3 live loop pads I’ll be using in my current theory crafted plan.

So depending on the loop length it means pressing ‘rec’ then turning the fader(s) down of the channels that I send to the bb when the loop starts playing (auto play).

Will take a bit of practice to get it into my system but it’s not that difficult. It will also open up some creative possibilities where you can leave the channel playing but use eqing on both the looped part and the original to create a targeted phasing / flanger effect, or in case the loop is a different length you’ll also get interesting results including using filters etc.

Using the crossfader is definitely also a very capable option. Just gotta manage the xy routing switches

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@DaveMech why are you no longer using the DB4, if you don’t mind me asking? That workflow seemed so ideal.

Currently still using it and will still use it for some setups. I’m working on something new though. Will share about that when it’s evolved a bit more :slight_smile:

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