Xone 96 Mixer

Just wanted to say thank you for how much detail you share here on nauts. I learn a lot from you and your posts always give me interesting new ideas.

Damm ā€¦yehā€¦glad i got it when first came outā€¦think was Ā£1300. Now Ā£1700

Cheers for explaining @DaveMech
Iā€™ll be curious to hear from your experience how it is in practice - but I guess itā€™s the other way around, you just make things work instead of wait until thereā€™s the perfect thing:)

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Ever toss around the idea of throwing Loopy Pro on the end of one of the USB ports? Itā€™ll easily do the looping and routing youā€™re looking for, and iPads on the usb sends of the 96 are pretty funā€¦. (I dunno how anti-software you are for your sets)


Yeah definitely going to play around with thatā€™s Iā€™ve got an ipad so curious to try that out and see how the latency is etc. Also as an FX return maybe. In stead of pedals. Would make for a pretty powerful package. :slight_smile:
Thanks for the app suggestion. Will have a look!

Happy to share!
Yeah true that is indeed it. And I do believe thereā€™s always an upside to be found in quirky solutions. Things you couldnā€™t do otherwise with more conventional methods.

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Why?! (Didnā€™t I order as I was thinking to do so one week ago for 1800ā‚¬)

Yeah itā€™s insane. You can try emailing them. I got a better offer because of that as other shops offer it at 1900.
This is such a huge increase that the supply chain must have hit a major problem or somethingā€¦ Very unfortunate turn of events.

Itā€™s cheaper @ Juno Ā£1599, and in stock. Ā£1800 from Thomann seems a lot!
Not sure about Euroā€™s/shipping etc.

@DaveMech I thought waiting might help but guess not. Thanks for the tip for emailing them!

@Native_Layer I saw the juno priceā€¦with shipping to Belgium itā€™s somewhere between 1900 and 1950ā‚¬. Might consider that option now the price of thomann has gone to absolutely ridiculous. Thx for the tip as well!

At the moment Iā€™m waiting for a response from a Belgian retailer, hoping for a better offer :crossed_fingers:

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Hello guys

I just got a 96 for a live gig, IĀ“m a bit confused with the A-B channels

I just want to know if it is possible to use them to plug in my 2 TB303 as I used to do on the 92 ( the 92 had 2 line input on the aux ch that allow me to use the L/mono inputs for each 303

However I donĀ“t understand how to do this on the 96, or if itĀ“s even possible

The rest of the channels 1-4 are already on use with other machines,

I donĀ“t want to use the usb part of the 96 for record to a computer. I just want to be able to use inputs A-B to plug in my 303 and play the gig as I used to do with the 92

Any info would be greatly appreciated


If im understanding correctly, it should work just fine. Just plug the 303s into the inputs labeled RTN A and RTN B, then make sure the switch above the gain pot is set to RTN A and RTN B

Thanks a lot Joelissimoā€¦ you are right, it works just fine

then, if I understood correctly what I read here, I can also add machines on return C-D? only that there are no EQ in this two,? also, would have to be either synths or drum machines, but no fx? as I donĀ“see how to send the fx signal to the other channels ?

thanks again:)

You are welcome, you could add more synths and drum machines to C and D but you get no eq, no filter and cant use the sends on C or D, I think it is meant purely for fx, as you can use channels 1-4 and A and B for instruments then use the sends routed to fx pedals which then go back into returns C and D

OK let me see if I understood this right

I donĀ“t really need to add more machines to C or D, but yes I would rather use them for FX

If I can use returns C-D for FXā€¦ then the sends should be A-B? this way I can route the fx on C-D returns via A-B sends to channels 1-4?

that would be awesome

The sends are just outputs that can output a portion of all the channels depending on how much the send knob is turned up.

So say you want to use A,B,1-4 for instruments and want a delay on some of the instruments, you would use one of the sends, for example send 1 which has outputs on the back of the mixer to plug that to the input of a delay, then plug the output of the delay to the return C input.

Only channels with the send 1 knob turned up will go to the delay and the amount on each channel willl be controlled by the send 1 knob of each channel. The fx is then added to the main mix alongside all the synths etc. Then you can do the same with a reverb or whatever and send 2 and return D.

All right :slight_smile:

Again, thanks a lot, as I`m trying to use a more compact/portable setup for clubs with smaller booths and use the large multitrack one (Midas 240) for stage in festivals etc , this solution is perfect for thisā€¦

Greatly appreciated :wink:

After waiting for 3 months (I was able to get it for the old price, so worth the wait) I finally got the 96 today.
Iā€™ve only had it out of the box for a few minutes and didnā€™t even switched it on, before I ended up getting it back in to the box.

As you can see in the video the channel 4 fader has a click in it just before itā€™s all the way down.

I also find that all faders felt different. Ch1 and crossfader were smooth, Ch2 and 3 actually felt like you couldnā€™t do a fast action on it . Do they loosen up after getting used for a while or is this just how they are?

I was also surprised by the plastic feel of everything. I expected the knobs and buttons to be more rubbery I guess. Buttons from filters and cueā€™s didnā€™t feel like they were positioned totally straight, which made pushing them a bit awkward.

Iā€™m wondering if this is bad luck and that I got one that slipped through quality control that just wasnā€™t manufactured to the standard or is this just how they are? (apart from the ch4 fader off course)

Iā€™ve send this one back and Iā€™m waiting for a replacement. Hopefully the next one will live up to the acclaimed ā€œhighā€ standardā€¦for now I can only think Iā€™ll have to adjust to it, because it sure doesnā€™t have the quality feel my 20year old Rane ttm56 hasā€¦

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Soā€¦just unpacked the new 96.

Iā€™ve already received it 5 days ago, but I was so disappointed with the 1st one that I really had a lot of doubts about opening the box.
I was looking for other options(SSL big six), but in the end I think this is the one that suits me the best for studio and live performance.

Iā€™ve only hooked up DN just to fire it up and play some sounds through it, so canā€™t say much about it.

Thereā€™s just one thing that I think is weird:
On the previous one all faders felt differentā€¦one was really loose while on the others you had to use some force to move them and one was really bad. Knobs had a plastic feel and were slipperyā€¦
The one I have nowā€¦faders feel +/- all the same and are smooth. Knobs are rubbery and not slippery at all.

Seems like with this one everything is more or less like expected, so Iā€™m gonna keep it and hopefully it brings something extra to the workflow and lasts a long time.

(only thing left: I really hope Elektron isnā€™t bringing a mixer to Namm 2023 that is better featured than the 96 because than I might have to sell this one :upside_down_face:)


Glad to hear you got there in the end, and reading your earlier post it seems you got a dodgy one first time around.

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