Xone DB4

And the splitting… can that be done just with a simple split cable? A caple with one jack on one end and two on the others f.x.

What issues did you experence if I may ask?

Is the Model 1 prone to quality problems?

I´m mostly wondering since I´m looking at a used one, maybe there´s something that I should check specifically.

Yes, in the photo you see my AR stereo main outs, and the Kick on a single mono out with a Cordial mono splitter cable (TS male to 2x TS female). (Not a stereo to mono splitter. )

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Not able to say whether it was actually a QC issue but mine went 7 times back to factory level.
The 6 lines were entirely swapped, there was excess flux pooring from one channel to the other, “poor assembly of the unit” (their own words…). In the end and after more than 2 years fighting, they actually swapped mine for a new unit. Sold it straight away.
If I were you, I would look at a 92+audio interface.
These are proven/reliable.

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Why 92 might I ask, but not 96? If the built in soundcard in 96 works I can always use that. If it gives me troubles then I can always use an external audio interface. Are there any other differences between 92 and 96 apart from the built in audio interface ?

A friend had both db4 and v10 and was questioning why he bought the V10 so brought them both over for a second opinion. Sound quality was his motive but also flexibility. In audio tests the v10 sounded a smidgeon nicer but hardly much in it. The limited filters were annoying. The compressor was useful but the db4 just had more to offer still per channel. Also the size of the v10 was overkill for his needs. It was pretty massive. And lastly, the pioneer tax was simply not worth it for a digital mixer. V10 was returned to shop and then ironically, he picked up a second db4 made in uk instead of China.


The size difference is HUGE! I don’t think I’d want to drag that V10 around town :smiley:

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Just proven and reliable, no messing with drivers.
I have to say since then (the 92), there has not been much progress.
I could not see myself buying a 96 thinking I might have to add to it a sound interface if the built in was going to give me issues. But then again it is personal.
Furthermore, at the price those “all in one” mixers are sold, the sound interface has to have some cut downs in terms of converters. Or other aspects.
For a while I was eyeing a Signature 22MTK but for that very reason (cut downs on hidden components, ie the soundcard) I decided to go another route. How is it possible to have a board with an included sound interface sporting 22 I/O for less than a MOTU 8 I/O (featuring far superior converters)?


96 has class compliant usb so you don’t use any drivers.

96 is pretty much better on all fronts than 92. Most notably the layout and eq section are improved a lot.

I use db4 as sound card without problems. Though since it’s over 10 years old there is an end to the support of drivers sooner or later. I used to have some issues with db4 as a sound card but was able to solve them and it works fine (for) now but I wouldn’t buy it for that feature at this point in time. Buy it for the crazy creative and flexible mixer it really is :slight_smile:

To be frank, don’t rely too much on anecdotes of reliability issues unless they are wide spread and forums full. There are always cases of bad luck or bad experiences for every single mixer out there. :slight_smile:
I’d choose the right mixer based on the feature set you think you’ll be most happy with. All of these mixers are very well built.


There you go @dreamspy :slight_smile:


DB4 is amazing for the price and feature
But don’t expect to run Traktor set with it directly as soundcard in a club.

May or might not work))

It is running steady on windows here and the catalina driver should work fine as well. No less than any other audio interface at least?

Which problems have you encountered?

it crashes windows to blue screen, on multiple PC setups under windows 10

I am a very happy user anyways, amazing product

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Ah that sucks… Been there as well. Did a complete reinstall of windows 10 two years ago and no problems since. But I agree that it’s not a good feeling when that happens.

And it clips digitally.
Hexadecimal code badly written.
Had to fix it myself :slight_smile: to have it run Traktor on Mac OS Sierra.
Not saying the soundcard is bad but what is interfacing between both hardware is unfortunately badly written.
It is the only thing that keeps me from buying a 10 years old mixer again because the feature is quite staggering for a 10 years old mixer. No Pioneer mixer can rival its effect section, 3 types EQ, filters, routing, looper… Honestly one of the best, still, today :slight_smile:

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Yeah it’s a great piece of kit. :slight_smile: Dreaming of one day seeing an mkii happen but that chance is tiny probably.

Can you elborate on the digital clipping? Currently using it as sound card and haven’t seen that happening. Not hearing it either. How would I test this?

I hope for a MK2 as well to be honest.
Clipping used to occur while recording the master out.
Recorded through Audacity.
Pur digital clipping, not talking about clipping from levels.
Engineers at A&H never actually provided a solution as drivers were no more updated.
A shame to be honest.
I know I repeat myself but the FX section only… WoW

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I would pay if someone could write drivers)
Do we know anybody?

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I would love an MK2 version of this. I’m currently using four outboard effects units with a xone96. Tedious for playing out.


Yep :slight_smile: Agreed.
And someone to bullet-proof them as well… Seems to be the issue.

Nope :slight_smile:

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