
yes this is the best part. love the track

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Itā€™s funny, my mate and I have actually gone back and forth over whether that effect ends up being too silly or no, so Iā€™m honestly thrilled to hear yā€™all enjoyed it. :slight_smile: (Itā€™s been known to pop up here and there throughout previous sets, etc.)

About to give this a listen for the first time.

Seriously. Thanks so much for listening and the kind words, guys. :slight_smile:


Hey guys. :slight_smile: I just wanted to share a recent online performance, as well as offer an apology for the dry spell in communication/ media posts. <3


Glad youā€™re back!!

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Cheers, good sir. :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope youā€™re taking care/ keeping sane. <3


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Nice build up. Great tension. Very well done.

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Thanks so much for listening, guys. Iā€™m glad yā€™all dug. :heart:

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I know Iā€™m late to this thread, but this is great! More!

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So I was invited to perform at Defunktā€™s 6th Anniversary celebration in June. I was also asked to cover photos, as Iā€™d been covering events for that venue prior to Covid.

Following my set, I was approached by a fest organizer who offered some incredibly kind words, and that heā€™d ask me to contribute a set to his fest this year, if the roster hadnā€™t already been filled. We agreed on a 90 minute slot next year.

A month ago, I reached out to him about doing photo coverage for this year. In response, he let me know that theyā€™d had a cancellation, and that Iā€™d be more than welcome to fill in.

As a result, Iā€™m a touch mortified to inform any readers that Iā€™ll be opening for Richard Devine in 2 weeks as apart of Astronox:



Thatā€™s awesome! Congratulations! Seeing how awesome the stuff youā€™ve put out on YouTube is, you will ace this!

Hope you put up the set for everyone to enjoy, if possible.


congrats! thatā€™s really awesome :clap:

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My thinking has been that Iā€™d hold off posting sets featuring unreleased content until a home is settled upon, but maybe thereā€™s a better perspective to have that Iā€™ve not considered.

Really appreciate the vote of confidence/ kind words. If anyoneā€™s got tricks for managing nerves in these instances, Iā€™m all ears.

Your last live set was amazing manā€¦ Iā€™m sure youā€™ll kill it with your current rig.

And opening up for Devine is bananas! So cool.

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This reminded me to have a listen againā€¦ and your stuff is brilliant. Youā€™re gonna have an amazing timeā€¦

As for keeping your nerves in check, Iā€™ve always had a pre gig ritual of internally just bashing myself to hell, ā€œno ones gonna care etc.ā€ not in a self harming way but rather an intentional way to keep me humble. That together with really fucking loving to perform seems to do the trick for meā€¦ sucky advise I know, but thatā€™s my ritualā€¦


This is the best thing Iā€™ve heard in a bit.

Previously, Iā€™ve always fallen back on ā€œIā€™m gonna die at some point. Stop worrying about what may or may not happen, and just live as fully as you can while you can.ā€

Thanks again (everyone) for the kind words. <3


Yes exactly thatā€™s perfect!

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this is great stuff

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Alrighty, hereā€™s a tune from the set that got me a spot opening for Richard Devine.

some set-up notes

1 - The generative visuals being projected behind me were self-programmed in Max/ Jitter.
2 - The eurorack at the back of my roadcase is being used to mangle the A4ā€™s CV signals, then convert to MIDI for use in Max/ Jitter, as well as mult each for sending back to the control inputs across all of my kitā€™s devices.
3 - Youā€™ll occasionally see me reach down to my right side to address my KMI QuNeo for accessing the A4ā€™s aftertouch, modwheel and breath modulations.

EDIT: The stuff happening from 3:58 to the end is A4 only, and I donā€™t believe Iā€™ve heard it do such things before.

Most specifically, 4:22 is where A4 goes hardest.


Hereā€™s the first section of what will likely be the title track off the album. Cheers. :slight_smile:

EDIT: To anyone whoā€™s already seen some of this on insta, reels were limited to 90 sec when I posted it there + this is 3 min.