Yamaha Motif Rack XS - MIDI arpeggiator

Fine, thank you so much. The changes no work without problems. The only thing is, when I start the system (DT and motif) there ist no change when I start the sequenzer. But when I change the pattern it works.
Yesterday I tried a new function I want to use: I want to use the arpeggiator of the motif to control my other Instruments (Minilogue, Kaossilator). In my setup the input sources (Midi Keyboard, Midi accordion) are going to a kenton midi merge and then into the Digitakt. By choosing the midi chanel I can play each Instrument.
So yesterday I pluged In the output of the motif into the midi merge and made the settings in the motif. While sequenzer was playing I made the midi input settings and turned all the Tracks (1-8) off and the Midi Tracks (A-H) like I want to be aimed. Suddenly there where strange noises, and later the midi settings changed automatically. It was a bid spooky. Like having started a self distroying. I unpulgged the motif and it stopped.
For testing i chosed a simple piano arpeggio. Now everything seems to work fine.
What coult be the reason for the crazy behavior of the Digitakt? What could be the best way to get the arpeggiator information to the Minilogue and the Kaossilator?

If I better start a new thread for this topic please tell me.

There could be two reasons for this problem.

Firstly, sending the MIDI output of the Motif Rack XS back to an earlier point in your chain of MIDI gear could cause a MIDI feedback loop where MIDI messages are repeatedly circulated until the system cannot cope.

Second, the Motif Rack XS may have been sending messages that control the Digitakt in unexpected ways.

I recommend that you don’t connect the MIDI Out of the MRXS back to an earlier part of the chain until you fully understand all the MIDI capabilities of these instruments.

Pages 40 and 41 of the MRXS Owner’s Manual describe how arpeggio playback can be transmitted to another instrument through its MIDI Out port. You can set the MIDI channel number on which the arpeggio is transmitted (see page 96).

I suggest that you connect your Minilogue to the MIDI Out port of the MRXS and adjust its MIDI channel number to receive the arpeggio from the MRXS.

Hey, thank you again. This is clear for me now, with the midi feedback. I think this is the problem. The other thing

I could not try til now. I think I need a midi splitter cable, because I want to go in the Minilogue from the Digitakt too.

I know that my knowlege is in many cases to less. But it is so much fun to me to experiment and try to keep things running as I imagine. And I wondered how quick and easy I understood the main functions of the Digitakt. This made me keep on working. I am so happy about the program change working now.
But midi settings always were a little mystery to me, although the theory seems to be easy.