YAY! C6 - going to be killed!

anyway, any swedes able to confirm that the much lamented ‘C6’ is pronounced like ‘sysex’ in swedish !?

…wait…C6 isn’t pronounced “sysex” in english?

I don’t think we need Elektron to confirm that the name of the software is a play on words.

But who knows, maybe it’s a total coincidence, and this was the sixth and final version of secret “project C”…?

Pretty much the same :slight_smile:

Eng: [sisix]
Swe: [sesex]

Sort of.

I’m one of those who look forward to things like overbridge. I like hardware in production stage but do all the mixing in DAW. I love PUSH, but still, it’s just an ableton controller.

Personally, I hope they still work out the kinks that have developed in C6. I use it for lots of gear for sysex dumps, Elektron and otherwise, and find it quite useful. It’s just getting a bit long in the tooth and needs some TLC.

C6 is closer to sounding like sysex in english than swedish (wheRe it is something like “sze-seks”

Give Sysex Librarian a try. I use it for all my gear. I’ve only used C6 to transfer samples to my Rytm.


Or if you’re on PC… Midi-Ox

thanks for the swedish/english heads up folks - maybe it is just a coincidence, doubt it though :wink:
sysex librarian is great too, but i don’t think it shows you the breakdown of what’s inside your elektron syx

I’ve used Overbridge for just one day to see if it’s something for me. Personally it’s not the way I like to make sounds/music this way.

I totally agree with Darenager. With the Elektron philosophy and something so drastic towards a DAW system why didn’t they do a survey before…

Now I only hope that Overbridge would lead to other hardware. Something like a Roland MX-1 with modulation matrix would be interesting.

No survey needed…have you seen the popularity of the Overbridge threads? Seems like you guys are in the minority - against something that you’re not even forced to use!

I wondering what a Cuckoo video review about Overbridge will show? So far on Youtube you don’t see any performances with Overbridge by a Elektron user…

never noticed…

I agree.
I would trade Overbridge for the ability to record performance mode tweaks into the RYTM’s sequencer in a heartbeat. Especialy since Reason is my main DAW, leaving Overbridge less useful to me. It would bring sound design to the next level to be able to record performance mode tweaks into the sequencer.

I see the Overbridge is a cool feature for someone who wants to polish a track on a DAW. That’s how I’ll use it at least.

But I’d rather throw my money at new Elektron machines. I would love new Elektron machines. Or even only updated old ones.

And I do believe Overbridge is less interesting than new features within the box. But I guess they will drop again now that OB is out…

C6 is OK as a tool (once you found out how to get the turbo mode) but not as simple as transferring samples to the OT.
Weird choice that the AR does not permit to organize the sample library the way OT does, through the OS navigator, just as a USB key.

For the Machinedrum and Monomachine C6 will always be there!