You should be

Who is on a mission? A clear cut game plan to achieve a musical goal?

Or who is just having fun?

I’m in the latter category. But having fantasy inklings…


I should be playing the fiddle more. Electronic music is something i do for fun. Its an entirely different way to look at making music vs playing an instrument. I think it helps.

But i should be further along on the fiddle than i am. Its just alot easier and more satisfying to lay down a four on the floor and start making vibes. I play several different instruments, the elektron boxes are probably my favorite


Guitar and a bit of singing is my most ablest thing - i’m not bad at either. Did my last live electronica performance nearly 15 years ago ( which i’ve just calculated to my shock).

I’m flirting with the idea of getting an acoustic band together. Still love the electronic hop side but earthy performance can rock the right crowd too.

Love the dustmotes youtube world though and all the other similar vibes and have endless faffing around with aiming for that too, purely to find a groove.

Would like to do live gigs someday.

But I think the word “someday” in my goal statement is preventing me from doing it.

And it would have to be a VERY open and forgiving audience:-)


I should be focusing more on discovering my brand and how to represent myself. I should also be focusing on making more music with my newly found free time and not replaying the Walking Dead Telltale series.

I should REALLY be focussing on how to get myself more visible to companies because I would love to be an influencer and work alongside my favorites like Novation, Elektron, Ableton, etc.

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I should be… selling more synths.

No grand plans anymore. Did the gigging scene for over a decade. Just want to jam with good mates on occasion and help out as session bassist occasionally in the studio.
Got two mates (filmographers) with their own grand plans, which involves me playing synths all over their pretty flicks.


I should:
Sell the unused gears
learn the couple recent purchases
figure out who to arrange workflow ( for recording and live)

Ever thought of approaching distributors for a rep job? It would build some strong brand relationships and experience.

Definitely considered it! Not really sure how to get my foot in the door at this point.

I need to quit my intense data entry job thats making me so tired i cant do much else. Its making my arms constantly hurt which is so difficult to keep dealing with as it gets worse daily. My motivation to make music is so high but often i just drift when im at home and i cant snap out of it.

I spent the last year building a ‘studio’ in the spare room with the final touches recently finished and now im pretty worried that ive just made everything too complicated to be really productive with it. My goal is to push out 8 or more great tracks in the next 6 months before we move out of this house. If im not making enough music then none of the rest matters.


No pressure, you have

But who is just?
Who is clear cut?

I’m having fun on a mission in a game plan to achieve a musical goal having the latter fantasy category inklings…


Im sorry i dont understand

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Sorry, i am Not native in english. I was trying to say, that you are Putting yourself under a lot of pressure to create Something. Where is the fun/joy in that?

My answer to this thread is… dont should. Just be joyful.

I want to do it for myself. The pressure comes from always wanting to do it but never having the time or energy. It feels like i dont have a choice in my own life. If i had more time i could get what i wanted to achieve finished. Im determined to try and still create even though i barely feel able to.

I dont have creative block, i have shit society block

I know exactly what you mean. My Plan was for this year to finish a Track per week. But I havent also recorded anything during the past two months. Life is sometimes rough, but i know it will become better. Try to arrange your life better so that you have at least once a week a few hours for yourself. Staying away from social Media, forums and Netflix can also Work Wonders. Figure Out the energy and time consuming Things in your Daily Life and remove them If possible. Against your arm hurting, you could e.g. do regular excercises. Against the stress from your Job, try PMR (progressive muscle relaxation).


Thank you

@rex_mundii out of interest what are you doing to be useful to humanity?

Inspired by the title of this thread when I read it earlier I decided to do something I should be doing and uploaded some stuff to Soundcloud.

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So whatever you want, Just dont get on someones nerves. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::rofl:

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I should be building my business
F that, too much work, I’m gonna go make noise in the basement instead!