Your Commitment to Releasing Something in 2022

I’m in as well. My dream would have been to have an album with 22 tracks ready for 2022/02/22 which is my birthday. But that will probably take me until 2222 :laughing:

But I’m confident to release two new pieces on that day as a personal gift to myself to celebrate that special date…


Best thing is it’s a tuesday too. You are in for a treat


Here is the first, it comes from a collection of sketches I did in the first two weeks of January, though a bit more arranged and polished. Cinematic stuff feat. ob6, odyssey, analog rytm, minitaur, guitar & some spitfire instruments, tracking and summing with the ssl six.


very impressive :milky_way: really emotional :flying_saucer:

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Thank you very much!

An update

Part one of this is in the books and up on my youtube and bandcamp. I decided to put it together on one pattern chain. I really like how it came out.


Just bought a Deluge again after selling it a year ago. I’ve already recorded 2 tracks and will most definitely be releasing a full album this year if the pace keeps up. Here are the two tracks I’ve got so far. idk what genre this is, some form of synth pop i guess.


Just released a 3 track EP on Bandcamp-inspired by this thread and by my Jamuary endeavours. It’s my first release!

All the tracks are raw, live and unmastered . My desire was to see how far I could take my current set up and improvisational ability without going ‘in the box’. The tracks are all techno flavoured but I plan to follow this up with a partner ambient EP using the same set up and approach.


Fullfilled my first commitment ! Onto the next ! :sweat_smile:

See thread below to grab free codes if you are interested !


Decided to release this jam on bandcamp (and all streaming platforms)

My voice is kinda lost but Plaits chord model was better than my vocal performance anyway!


Good on you all, well done and all that, but if you’re posting before November did you even need this thread? :stuck_out_tongue:


done and done.


Great work!

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Thank you!

Having old jams/songs on your drive and releasing them “officially” are 2 very different things.

Sometimes you need to find the thread that will allow you to unravel all the threads hiding your true potential.

This thread is such a thread ; )


Hey, if your hard drive is full of the above, keep em coming :slight_smile:

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Forgot to post in this thread earlier, but I put out my first release of the year!

Hopefully just the first of many this year :slight_smile:


Part 2 of my EP based on my Jamuary 2022 releases… and my second release of the year (and in fact ever!!)

All the tracks are recorded on the same equipment - Akai Force, Roland TR8S and Korg Minilogue.

I wanted to try out some totally different styles with the same gear/process - Part 1 was 3 techno tracks, this part (Part 2) uses the same set up but focuses on ambient music.


I put together my first release for the year! This collection of tracks is a live set I was working on for this winter. The shows I had lined up got cancelled cause of covid so I decided to make it into a performance tape/ EP.


First mission complete :slight_smile: Hope some of you can have a listen :slight_smile: Cheers!