Your Commitment to Releasing Something in 2022

Just don’t do that bit. Hit upload before you get too stressed about it. If you weren’t gonna release it anyway, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t sound like you spent £5k/song on pro mixing & mastering.


I’m in. Can’t commit to entire album(s), but will release some tracks. :crossed_fingers:t4:


I was determined to release some stuff this year, even just an EP, and it didn’t happen for various reasons. So yeah, I’m in. Going to finish it and get it out there.

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Just release a two track EP tonight. I pledge to release a full album in 2022

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My plan for tomorrow is to mix down 6th track of material mostly me and partner (with young kids his time is more limited than mine) have put together in the past year and counting. Finishing and polishing up (with home mastering attempts - will pester an old friend and deft hand if need be ) 8 tracks is the goal. I’m pretty pleased with what we’ve got so far - but until it’s out there, doesn’t mean nowt.

Anyways, I’m looking forward to listening to the sonic fruits of the committed here.

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I’m ending 2021 with the intention of having 2 releases this year…this current one has put me into a nervous fit.

Respect to all of y’all, but I’m not committing to anything


I plan to have an EP out this year. I am hoping it will be a collaboration of some kind '20-'21 were the years of isolation for me.

Live shows were canceled, people were leary of meeting up for a jam sesh. Things got really experimental and weird and I feel like I need a project to re align my focus into making more broadly appealing music (subjectively). Right now I am really all over the place. Having a ton of fun, but not getting sht done

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well, this is just my opinion, but I would say if you have minimal social interaction or none, bandcamp is the way to go. As mentioned, people can buy your albums, even physical albums and merchandise, and the pay structure is much more favorable for artists. Plus Bandcamp is a feel good type of operation, they stand by artists, have community support and is a pretty straight forward interface to set up.

I honestly have very minimal social media too and just by posting and interacting with people and other artists I have gotten more and more engagements.


I haven’t released anything in years but I now have the nicest and most cohesive studio set up I’ve ever had and I’m more inspired than I’ve been since I can remember so yea I’ll commit to put something out in 2022. Hold me to it!

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I’m glad you’re making and releasing music…

…but I wish you were the real Funkstörung


The term commit does not go with artistic endeavors.

That is why I work a day job, and create by night when the mood is upon me.

The minute I’m expected to produce art, is the same minute that art no longer appeals to me.

I know it’s different for everyone.

For those who can reconcile the two, and not lose the vision, I suppose I’m a little envious of :wink:


In 2014, I totally stopped creating music for 5 years or so. Even though the main reason is not
music related, I did have a bunch of unfinished tracks, ideas piling up at the time. Decided to go back into it in 2019 when things were clearing up but I thought I should stay away from a computer(too many choices for my little brain, self imposing unrealistic criteria of “completeness” and being overly critical on my songs when it is just a hobby after all). and… happened what happened: Started to suffer from GAS (it’s not getting any better tbh) with this very obsessive behavior: I need that piece of gear if I want to create what I really want. Back to square one, I was doing nothing (but spending money…) (Did some Radiohead cover because well, didn’t have to think and I thought it would be a good way to practice the guitar)

I guess some people here could relate?

Came jamuary 2021 and I decided I should focus on the Digitone and release a noodle a day as an exercise. It turned into a song a day (I failed but did release 6 “songs”, each of them created in one day). I realized that I could finish stuffs, perhaps not the greatest things in the world but at least, I could get things done, it was refreshing and I was enjoying the process, the excitement of the self imposed constraints. It seems a few people were enjoying my jams too. More than enough for me! (I don’t create music so that nobody listens to it. On Soundcloud, my only “listeners” were spam robots. Weirdly enough, I’ve discovered YT is better than Soundcloud to get real people to listen to my music and that YT is not about being “social” by following each other… like on Instagram… This is perfect for me as my social skills are pretty limited)

So I kept this principle by releasing almost a jam per week on YT and a few of them on bandcamp - while still obsessing with gear. It seems I can do both now ; )

BUT there’s one thing I wanted to do: jams without me yapping on them. It’s really hard for me as I use my gear mainly for that. So I don’t spend that much time on “sound” and getting a really good mix (my right ear is almost deaf though…). I should try to focus on that.

I guess this will be one of my goal for 2022: no yapping jams.


There’s one album guaranteed for next year that I’m involved in. It’s a band record (psych/hard rock) we started in 2019 with the mixing and mastering being finished this autumn. It’s going to be out on vinyl and cd sometime next summer.

I also hope to have my solo album I finished a couple months ago (and shared here already) out officially next year. But we’ll see.

Beyond that I don’t know. (Except that I intend to collab on a set of songs with someone whose name rhymes with shake salt.)


I just need to stop being afraid of posting my stuff out there in public, due to the potential that it will sound like shit, and just accept that for everyone first time sounds like shit, and mine will not be different. Will be making an album this year. Thank you for the challenge.

I’m in.


no idea who’s this guy… :thinking:
But I’m looking forward to hearing the end result!


For me, if I don’t commit, nothing gets finished. And I’m tired of noodling around with the same songs for years. I don’t commit to anything else in life, so I choose this. Releasing dog shit tracks that no one will listen to!


I have an album with my metal band that is getting released next year (that has been finished since last year), but I’m also in to release something else as that kinda feels like cheating. :wink:


I already bought no new gear in ‘21 and this year I released 4 or 5 Bandcamp albums and uploaded about 4 hours of live synth playing to YT. So, it looks like “no new gear” truly can translate to lots of releases.

Now as to the purpose of releasing at all…uh, never mind :relieved:


I’m in! Thanks for starting this thread, rallying us all - it helps!

Already committed to a couple of LPs in 2022 (at least to be submitted, probs just the one being released). Ambient/experimental sorta vibe- the first is 3/4 done.

Beyond these I’ve been wanting to work around bandcamp fridays, committing to releasing a track for each, and using them to be a little more carefree, give less consideration to genre, cohesion with other works etc. Let’s go!

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Hey now, no jumping the gun! It could easily turn this thread into a mess if we all start lumping in 2021 or other previous releases. But if someone wants to create a retrospective of all Elektronauts releases from this year in one place, be my guest :slight_smile:

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