Your favorite factory sounds on ST?

As a new ST owner I was quite surprised that Banks A to E are populated with factory sounds already.

Do you like them, have you favorites (which ones) or did you delete them to free up some space?

I think I will delete them.


I went through them and copied the ones that sounded most interesting to bank G, then loaded a few up from time to time to look for sound design tips—the JP8K one (somewhere!) was the first I realized the LFO 2k modulation to tune could add a nice bit of noise, for example.

I usually start from the default sounds and make my own, though I’m considering getting a template going with my own set of default sounds, pre-populated with performance macro settings and an FX track.


All I have are Init Patches.


Is there a command to Init tracks? Like on the A4?

Yeah I don’t use presets very often, I use machines.

The time it takes to find a preset I like and use it, is much longer than the time it takes me to fiddle with the machines itself before get something.

Once in a while I’ll save a sound I like, especially the more bass and melodic sounds.


Track + Rec (clear) ?


Oh cool, that saves several steps from what I’d been doing, Sound Menu -> Init Track Sound, which is way at the bottom of that menu. Seems to do the same thing, loading default sound for that machine.

Same here. It took me ages to even notice they were there! You just go straight to the machine and start tweaking… funny cos on my digitone I always start with going through presets to get something close then start tweaking. Not sure why I naturally adopted different styles for the two machines.


Right on! I love reverse engineering presets on digitone, the possibilities are endless and it never gets old. What I can’t do on digitone very well is create patches from scratch. The easiness of doing that on Syntakt makes for a match made in heaven with Digitone! Man I wish I was home so I can play…

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Thanks for the sum up. :content:

Track + Play (clear).

One of those simple ones that was staring me in the face that.

All it seems to do is reset the filters, lfos and envs and give you the basic engine that’s already selected, which is fine by me.

I wanted to have a play with the new machines tonight… sound good so far.


This! That was my first impression, too. 5 filled banks with 256 sounds per bank and my estimation round about 2 min / sound to explore each sound = 2560 min ~ 43 hours to explore the factory sounds!

If you go into the sound setup page there is an option to load the init track sound.

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Yes, fine for me too.
Load your own saved template / presets otherwise.

Yes. Isn’t TRACK + PLAY (Clear) better?

I haven’t tried a single preset, and I’ve been using the Syntakt for quite a while now. I like to create every sound from scratch, and on the Syntakt this is doable without it taking to much time from the music making itself.


Even if you make your own sounds from scratch, I think presets worth to be all listened. Sometimes you can discover tricks you couldn’t imagine.

(unexpected preset example: a fast lfo on A4 waveform choice. Very particular noise as result. It was a wtf moment for me to decipher what was the source of that noise. I learned something new ! :content:)


The +Drive with filtering on the kind of sound BD, SD, PAD, etc. is quite nice.
For happy accident that’s useful.
But without using filter it’s a loss of time and it fully break my creativity.

I think the great advantage of the ST machines is that you can always dial in a new and working patch from scratch without having memorized the structure of an FM-Synth or how an analog subtractive synth signal path works. I am always happy when by some accident during updates or so all presets are deleted. (For some reason it is difficult for me to deliberately delete presets, even preset patterns which can be nothing more than a demo of the capabilities of the machine - because it could not be a base for an own track under any circumstances).

:confused: Sorry to sideline. I have nothing to add to the OPs question. Maybe I shouldn’t have commented when not being able to contribute to the question or adding on topic useful facts. :worried:

I try to correct that by some questionable trick :thinking: :smirk:

  • The best presets on ST are no presets but plenty space for saving :smile: :wink: