Your favourite cheap small boxes of tricks (synths, noise, effects)?

FM radio transmitter 1/8"
Cassette Walkman
DigDugDIY Purple Rain (bitcrusher - though not so cheap?)
Feedback loops (analog or digital)
Roland SP
Weird pedal combinations. (Look at EHX efffectology videos on youtube for inspiration - but use what you’ve already got)

= = = edit = = =
Oh, and I should add Koala Sampler. Such an easy way to sample with the iphone mic and manipulate it with the fx.


Monotron Delay, and an army of cheap 90’s era DOD, Digitech, and less popular Boss efx pedals that I find every now on Craigslist being sold by old rockers who’ve finally decided to hang it all up. Bittersweet.


I have the Nebulophone and have never really used it much. Yesterday I ran it through a Boss BX-8 and it sounded great. I also like the Monotron Delay and my Sony Walkman’s and Dictaphones.


I have a Soma Ether that’s good for grabbing weird static-y/electromagnetic noises, although it is a bit of a one-trick pony really. My favourite boxes for sampling little bits to work into tracks are not really cheap : Make Noise Strega and Moog DFAM

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Individually cheap-ish


New Firmware Blippobox for Wingie2 it’s the best mini-synth/chaos machine ever.


Something similar to the Blippo firmware for Wingie 2 is the Hikari Monos. I notice that it doesn’t often get mentioned around here but it’s a really unique sounding noise generator that’s made by a single designer out in Japan. It can process incoming signals and certain perimeters can be controlled by cv.
For $270 usd it’s a steal, imo.


I have got the Razzmatazz and it’s definitely my top box at the moment.(Although I also own much more expensive and fully featured machines)

Costing 450, I wouldn’t call it cheap, though.

It’s only 2000 quid on the table :grin:


lots of guitar effect pedals, dictaphone, cassette player with speed control, Rucci synths (forgot the website name-maybe someone remembers it).
Harmonicas (especially through microcosm), E-Bow, kalimba, Apogee Jam (OG version) into ancient, tiny iPhone 4 running JamUp Pro amp sim- this phone still has headphone out!. It can also still run a lot of apps like Moog filtatron, Figure, Trope, and Bloom.

Have you used the Hypernoise mode much? You have to hold down a button and touch the crocodile clip to one of the pins on the main chip IIRC.

I’ll have to try that out. Thank you!

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Found how you do it -

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Some time ago I thought the Audio Hacker could be a little, funny box for vocals for example.
But I didn‘t order it yet…


Bit like a microgranny, maybe ?

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Since we’re talking iPhones, I would recommend Yellofier.

Yes, it was designed with the guys from Yello. Who don’t get enough credit these days as electronic musicians.

It turns anything and everything into “Oh, Yeah! Chicka-Chicka!”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If I was not such a gear hound, I could easily do the bulk of the output from my Machinedrum and SP-404 using just that app.

It’s a brilliant and somewhat unpredicatable/unmanageable sound mangler for any thing that you can record on your phone.

It’s surprisingly deep: you can adjust pitch and volume for each sample on each step. And it has a song mode.

I have recorded acoustic drums into it and it works just fine as a bread and butter XOX drum machine but that’s not it’s purpose.

You can take random found sounds and come up with some really crazy (or beautiful) stuff.

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I love the KP3 but I’ve always wanted the circuit bent KP2 from and the Microgranny and one or two of the DIGDUGDIY funboxes. New Bestie mixer looks sick too.

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There’s also this tiny little one made to go with pocket operators. So cool.

If someone buys one (on sale) they can def hit my DMs if they don’t like it, lol. I’m so tempted to spend money I don’t really have. Ugh.

If you can find one second hand (or if production ever resumes), Axoloti is cheaper than a pocket operator and can do just. about. anything. at all. With the DIN/wall power section sawn off it’s roughly monotron-sized, but still pretty small with it left on.

I use mine for effects, mostly modeled gen loss type stuff. I have had zero GAS for any other effects units since getting this.


Ensoniq ASR-X Pro … I don’t know if they’re still ‘cheap’ but … the envelopes & slicing & loop playback modes & LFOs & filters & effects & clock sync all make for some fun times.

also +1 to a lot of what others have mentioned above.

(edit: ASR-X Pro is not very small. it’s like exactly 19" rack-length wide and like 4 or 5U deep.)

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