Your plans for 2023?

Read more.

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For you and others wanting to read more, I can really recommend this approach, got me starting (and finishing!) 40 books this year:


My plan for 2023

start running again
start dancing tango again


Hope I’m not taking this too off topic, but I wondered if you’d come across any good ways for finding books that you’ll enjoy? I read a fair amount and love a good book, but find it hard to discover what to read next.

I mainly use Kindle and the recommendations on there (also on Goodreads) are no good for me - possibly partially because I’m a bit picky about what I do/don’t enjoy. Searching for similar books to one I enjoyed on Reddit or whatever sometimes yields okay results but can end up stuck in the same genre.

Guess I’m just curious if other people have great ways to find new books that I’m missing out on!

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For me it’s pretty much the same as discovering new bands:

  1. Recommendations from friends (many of whom read A LOT)
  2. When I discover a writer I like, I read more from him/her.
  3. Go to the library and choose a book based on its cover and/or first couple of pages (we have an AWESOME library system in Finland)
  4. Find a book reviewer whose tastes align with mine. Could also be someone on Goodreads. There’s also a fairly active thread here on Elektronauts on what people have read recently.
  5. So-called (modern) classics. It’s a bit of hit and miss obviously.

So nothing special but gives me more than enough stuff to read! :grinning:

  • Continue to finish one instrumental tune per month (roughly), and do something new each time
  • Work on some collaborative projects with a vocalist. If my current collaborators don’t become more reliable, find someone else.
  • Practice playing my weighted keys and singing at the same time. Try to improve my keys+vocals skills to approach my guitar+vocals (admittedly not great :upside_down_face:
  • Practice yoga with my wife at least once a week
  • Take my daughter on some overnight camping trips
  • Swear less, drink less, exercise more
  • quit smoking
  • cut sugar
  • more cardio
  • less gear
  • more productivity
  • less clutter
  • simplify….
  • learn piano with my kids
  • sell some gear

  • continue with my Masters

  • learn Python

  • swear more, drink more, exercise less


current goals:
keep after it. make it to 2024.

  1. Complete the no gear challenge successfully
  2. Re-learn Octatrack effectively
  3. learn the Virus and my other synths
  4. master the DAW for recording
  5. master process of mixing and editing audio to tracks
  6. have fun new sonic discoveries
  7. lose weight
  8. make new friends and jam out live pending end of pandemic
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  • fight and defeat GAS for an Analog Rytm mk2
    I started learning skateboard late last year at 34, so…
  • learn how to Ollie up curbs
  • not break any bones

be a good dad and husband for my family
try to continue running 4x a week, lose a few kg
healthy diet , healthy sleep schedule
improve my Project Euler score significantly
find the fun in making music again
meet more people in real life
get a full health check
always be the best dressed geezer in town


Just do it in 4h then.


Thanks for the vote of confidence but 25mph average is well outside my ability :sweat_smile: even when I was training regularly in my 40s I could just about hit 6hrs, 2 kids and 10 years later and I reckon it’d be closer to 7hrs now than 6…

Just winding you up. Plus I wasn’t aware we’re talking about an imperial 100 :smiley:

Lol no offence taken fella, I was just mildly amused and slightly flattered that you thought I’d be able to pull it off :sweat_smile::muscle:

This year I’m focusing almost exclusively on FM synthesis using the Digitone and Model:Cycles - with the idea of creating a reasonable number of tracks throughout the year and trying to balance the quality/quantity conundrum.

Also, reading: some Korean authors like Hwang Sok-yong and Han Kang, the two new books by Cormac McCarthy, and I just started a new book of Kraftwerk’s Computer World by an Australian author.

I usually read before making music in the evening.


Thanks for the tip. I missed that these were released!


I’ve decided to find a suitable place for painting and for future exhibitions, no matter what.

I’d love to ask my friends to play electronic music there and make it a place for sharing ideas and for meeting like-minded ppl.

Without money or intention to make some it might be tricky but I’m hell-bent on this.

This little town needs a hangout for artists and a place for cultivating creativity.

Also I will be sober for six months.
No more wake and bake and weekly tripping for this owl.


I like it.

Which town?

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