Your plans for 2023?


Rauma. It’s a small harbor town on the west coast of Finland.
Population approximately 39,000.


Sounds like it’s worth putting in for a Kone grant, and possibly also seeing if the municipality has any empty building space…


My plan for 2023 is to spend a lot more time on Elektronauts.


Yeah, I’ve considered that.
I will definitely look into their conditions to see if they’d be aligned with something like this.

Thank you for reminding me! :slight_smile:

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I’m looking at putting in something for this round for our space in Helsinki, so it’s been on my mind. I could really use a new lighting console and a dozen or so moving heads, and they get pricey when you’re buying in bulk.

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You mind sharing the name of your space?
That stuff is insanely expensive unfortunately and the kind of stuff that’s preferably bought unused. Depending on the budget of course.

I’m looking forward to reading them. Reviews seem mixed but I think that was the case with some of McCarthy’s most revered novels too, e.g. I think Blood Meridian had so so reviews when it first came out. I just finished Suttree, which took me months and months. Great book.

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I have only 1 resolution: get better at cooking.

(I would normally not buy a book with such title but the writer was recommended to me by someone who knows.)


I plan to use the internet less and replace that time with meditation, eating and video games.

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Good start.

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Fuck yeah!!

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my 2023 goal as well, also I would love to improve my vegan cooking and I can recommend this website I’ve found with lentils recipes


It’s The Attic in Helsinki, @theatticfi on insta. It’s technically also my apartment, but we run it as a venue — we seat 55 for shows and hold about 80 or so for parties. The lighting rig is mostly show-focused now — just needs one more profile spot to finish that out — but I’ve been trying to get it set for a more club type night too. It’s also nice to get to learn more about lighting, so there’s a bit of that too — I’m entirely self-taught and hadn’t touched production work at all before we moved in five years ago. It’s been quite the journey.

So yeah, the next plan is to pull the two rows of three static PARs we have focused on the performance space and replace them with three rows of six ADJ Vizio Hexwash7s — about the same quality tier as the existing Chauvet DJ Pro H pars, a little dimmer (but more of them) and I get zoom, pan/tilt, and a separate central pixel. That’ll be more than enough for what I need and a good chunk of fun to learn how to use. At the same time, I need to upgrade from the Lightshark LS-1 to a real console — it wasn’t bad to learn on, but I’ve hit it’s limits badly. Replacement will be a Chamsys MQ70.

Btw, is there a lighting thread here? I’ll got start one if not.

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Wow! That sounds amazing! I’m not on insta but will see if I can find something else about it online.

Haven’t seen a lighting thread here but surely there are many ppl here that have knowledge and experience on that, so a dedicated thread wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.

I’m not into 12 step programs per se or used one to help me quit booze but I hope to finally muster up the energy to go to an Al-Anon meeting and see if it has anything to offer me.



I’ve seen ppl get a good momentum going on by using these programs.
Peer support can be a strong force for getting and more importantly staying away from booze and other drugs.

Thank you, very helpful! I’ll check out the thread on here for sure :slight_smile:

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Yea, I’m not struggling with staying away from drugs or alcohol at this point but rather my Mom.


Oh man, same here unfortunately. Grim.

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